Annotated, in priority order
1. Security Coordinator
Adds one FTE Computer & Network Technologist (CNT ) III to Campus
Network Programmers' group to respond to break-ins and attempted break-ins
and to initiate proactive measures to protect campus resources.
2. NGB Phase I (including Classroom Network)
Implements gigabit distribution switches in 4 locations and building
switches in 35 locations. Connections between these switches would
be at either gigabit or 100 Mbit speeds. Includes single mode fiber
required to support these connections. Also provides
virtual LANcapability, permitting departmental units to retire their routers in favor
of centralized routing. Increases performance, reliability, security and
flexibility of backbone services. Sets stage for Phase II which would
extend these services to all campus locations. Includes the currently
separate network of classroom data connections.
3. Students
in Directory
Supports the addition of all students to the campus-wide LDAP directory.
Students who are UCSB employees are already included. Provides infrastructure
to authenticate students to all campus services, permitting them to remember
and maintain only one id/password combination for all services they access
(e.g., BARC, telephone billing, housing, email and instructional services
offered by departments). Permits departmental sysadmins to outsource
password file maintenance for students to a campus service.
4. Course Web
Support (including Classweb)
Provides centralized services for the development and operation of course
web sites which deliver instructional materials. Includes support
for services such as Physics' ClassWeb and Biology's VideoWeb. Team
would consist of one CNT III and two CNT Is.
5. Student Access
Staff Support
Adds one CNT II to staff supporting workstations accessed by students.
Current ratio of over 400 workstations to each support staff member is
an order of magnitude above industry averages and not tenable over time.
6. PKI Certificates
Pay license fees for all faculty, students and staff at UCSB to use
Verisign certificates in their browsers. These certificates would
permit automatic access to a variety of web based services that are restricted
to UC people. Current certificate-enabled services include CDL (Melvyl)
and Bencom (benefits).
7. Gartner Group Contract
Pays subscription fee for Gartner Group consulting service, making it
available to all technology units on campus. Gartner Group has helped
us design email, scheduling, telephone, and business applications. We are currently talking to them about wireless networking and e-commerce
8. Multimedia Production Lab
A student multimedia lab is needed to support interdisciplinary activity
in the production of course materials. Includes three dedicated digital
video post-production workstations, upgrading the ten-station AT lab in
Kerr Hall and purchasing field production equipment.
9. EduCAUSE Membership
Membership in EduCAUSE, the leading professional organization for those
supporting technology in higher education. Provides access to materials
and discounts on tickets to events for campus IT professionals.
10. CBT (SmartForce)
Pays the license fees for computer-based training modules on topics
related to information technology. This material can be used to keep
staff current and is made available to anyone on campus who wishes to upgrade
their skills.
11. ITPG
Proposal Cost Summary
Presents a cost summary of the proposals listed above, identifies the
champion of each proposal and correlates proposals with related items
in the ITPG Context Paper. The order of presentation follows
the Context Paper.