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IT Committees

  information technology committees

UCSB's IT Committees are a mechanism for sharing the technical expertise that is distributed throughout campus, and for providing forums for broad-based campus consultation on IT issues.

Campus-Wide IT Committees

Information Technology Board (ITB)
November 1998 – Present

The ITB is comprised of faculty, staff, students, and senior campus administrators. It was originally formed by the Chancellor to address the reorganization and administration of the information technologies on our campus, and to make recommendations to the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) and the Chancellor on the ordering of campus priorities and on strategic plans for the development of campus-wide information technology.

Information Technology Planning Group (ITPG)
October 1998 – Present

The ITPG is comprised of faculty and senior technical staff. It was originally formed by the Campus Network Committee (CNC) to apply more effort to planning and to the identification of areas that require greater attention. It may make specific recommendations for action to the CNC, or it may suggest that the areas it has identified be referred to a new or existing subcommittee of the CNC.

Campus Networking Committee (CNC)
April 1994 – Present

The CNC is comprised of faculty and technical staff. It was originally formed by the EVC to advise the EVC on policies, priorities, objectives, and plans for data communications and networking. The CNC became the sponsor for other campus-wide IT initiatives beyond networking. The CNC ceased to meet after January 1999, but it has not disbanded. Its work is now being carried out by the combined efforts of the ITB and the ITPG.

Task and Topic-Oriented IT Committees

Academic Technology Working Group

The ATWG will be comprised of faculty, technical staff, and administration representatives.The formation of this working group is the result of a proposal presented to the ITB in October 2002 by the OIT to review campus academic computing services in light of the white paper The Future of Technology and Learning in the University (pdf), by Bruce Bimber, Kevin Almeroth, Dorothy Chun, Andrew Flanagin, Alan Liu, and Rob Patton. It will investigate ways to coordinate the various campus services supporting instructional technology, build on departmental efforts to provide faculty with instructional technology tools, and address faculty priorities and concerns identified in the 2002 faculty survey.

Authentication and Directory (AuthDir)
February 1999 – Present

AuthDir is comprised of technical staff. It was originally formed by the ITPG to focus on the exploration and use of directory, identity management, authentication, authorization, and supporting technologies as they relate to campus-wide networking and computing needs. This group assists in the coordination of these efforts and helps develop campus-wide policies and standards through advice to the ITPG.

Backbone Engineering Group (BEG)
1994 – Present

The BEG is comprised of technical staff. It was originally formed by the CNC to design and plan the implementation of the campus data networks. Once the OIT was formed, these responsibilities shifted from the committee to the operational unit. In March 2001 the BEG became an advisory group to the OIT, and it continues to be a forum where campus networking plans, strategies, and implementations can be discussed in the context of the goals and efforts of the various campus constituencies. It also enables broad-based technical discussions tapping the expertise of folks outside the OIT.

CalREN-2 Implementation Group (C2IG)
July 1997 – April 2000

The C2IG was comprised of technical staff. It was formed by the BEG to design and implement the campus data network to support connecting nine research groups to CENIC’s high speed California Research and Education Network (CalREN-2). Their recommendation was first presented to the BEG and then forwarded to the CNC in January 1999. Implementation followed shortly thereafter.

Distributed Environment Common Application Framework (DECAF)
May 2000 – Present

DECAF is comprised of technical staff. It was originally formed by the ITPG to provide a forum for sharing plans for administrative computing systems, recommending protocols for electronic communications, and negotiating the format of common files and data elements. In October 2002, DECAF was refocused to address best practices and cross-campus collaboration related to the data stores that represent UCSB institutional data.

Electronic Mail Advisory Group (CNC-EMAIL)
February 1996 – January 1997

CNC-EMail was comprised of faculty, staff and students. It was formed by the CNC to develop a plan for providing undergraduate access to email and other Internet services for UCSB’s 16,000 undergraduate students. Their recommendation was submitted to the CNC on 1/17/97 and preliminary implementation began in April 1997.

CNC Electronic Scheduling Advisory Group (ESAG)
March 1997 – July 1998

ESAG was comprised of faculty, technical staff and people who specialized in managing calendars. It was formed by the CNC to develop a recommendation for a campus-wide electronic scheduling and calendaring system. Their recommendation was submitted to the CNC on 7/23/98 and implementation began in November 1998.

Security Working Group (SEC-WG)
February 1999 - Present

SEC-WG is comprised of technical staff. It was formed by the ITPG to identify computer and network security issues, and to develop appropriate corrective solutions (e.g. policy recommendations, procedures, etc.).

Web Standards and Content Working Group (WSG)
May 2005 - Present

The WSG is a campus-wide forum whose membership is drawn from Web developers, designers, and administrators across campus. It was formed in May 2005 with a twofold task: to recommend a set of Web guidelines and best practices that could be endorsed as standards for UCSB campus Web sites, and to develop a central campus resource for disseminating information on these guidelines, as well as other Web-related resources and tools. These guidelines and resources can be found in the UCSB Web Guide. The WSG's meeting minutes are hosted on the CSF website (UCSBNetID and password required).

Wireless Interest Group (WIG)

This group is waiting for its first meeting.


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