Project: Network Security Coordinator
Sponsor: ITPG Security Working Group
UCSB has experienced repeated and ongoing computer system compromises
over the past several years. There has been dramatic increase in security
incidents over the past year and it is unlikely that these activities will
abate in the future. This proposal seeks to define a campus focal point
for electronic communications security issues with the creation of a Campus
Network Security Coordinator position. This position would be recruited
at the CNT-III level.
The position would serve as the primary contact for computer/network
security issues at UCSB, handle CERT reporting and liaison with law enforcement,
develop security services (e.g. conduct scans for known vulnerabilities
and report results to system administrators, arrange Access Control List
(ACL) installations with the NOC for blocking active attacks, operate an
intrusion detection system), formulate proposed security policies, participate
in ITPG-SecWG, distribute information on secure service operations via
web and classes, and help secure systems after compromise on a recharge
and time-available basis. The position would be part of the Campus Network
Programmers, subject to relocation as part of the Office of Information
How This Project Supports the Academic Mission of UCSB
Computers and networks are a permanent and integral part of UCSB's research
and instruction efforts. Security incidents result in loss of access to
these resources, loss of data, and loss of staff time. This project will
help reduce the number of successful system compromises, allow for a more
thorough response to new incidents, and permit rapid restoration of service.
At present, the coordination and response functions outlined for this
project are marginally provided by the Campus Network Programmers (CNP)
on an as-needed basis. The number of incidents has increased substantially
over the past several years to the point that CNP efforts on other campus
projects are being impacted. This project will relieve existing CNP staff
of this responsibility and allow renewed efforts at other service areas.
Funding Source and How This Project Relates to It
There is no funding source at this time. Existing efforts by the CNP
have been provided through the annual IP recharge (RUAC).
Costs: Initial Year and Recurring
First-year costs are anticipated at approximately $121924, with $92790
per year thereafter.
Costs associated with this project would include the one FTE (approx.
$65000/yr. + benefits), a desktop computer, a laptop computer, and monitoring
system with proper intrusion detection software and vulnerability analysis
tools (approx. $28200 first year, $5066 each subsequent year), S&E
(approx. $3500/yr., including space, pager, and telephone), and one training/conference
event (approx. $3000/yr.). Two additional training classes at $3000/ea.
are included in the first year.
Matching Opportunities (If Available)
No matching opportunities are known.
Staff Support Required
One FTE at the CNT III level.
Existing Resources to Be Used
Existing CNP staff will provide initial training and access to the limited
in-house software/hardware used for current compromise detection and response.
Project Timeline
Ongoing. Initial implementation would depend upon locating appropriate
staff and a period of 3-4 months for the evaluation and acquisition of
necessary hardware and software.
Life Cycle of Result
A replacement cycle and its associated support would continue indefinitely,
contingent on continuance of funding.
Please note that the funding of this position would provide for a seed
position for campus electronic security and that over time, the needs in
this area may increase.
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