Project: CBT License
Sponsor: ITPG Alan Moses
CBT (now SmartForce) provides computer-based training modules on topics
such as the use of common software applications and operating systems,
general networking issues and specific network hardware (e.g., they are
the official tier one training for Cisco products), programming languages,
and computer support skills (e.g., preparation for various MS certification
programs). We are currently coming up on year three of a three-year,system-wide
license agreement. The first two years have been paid via "pass-the-hat."
Usage to date has been lower than expected, but the program has not been
widely promoted, especially to students.
How This Project Supports the Academic Mission of UCSB
There are two target audiences for CBT at UCSB: technical staff can
use CBT to solidify their work skills and explore new areas of interest;
and students, faculty, and staff can use CBT to improve their use of the
productivity tools they use on a daily basis. Because of limited training
budgets and few available alternatives for self-directed training, CBT
could provide a baseline of training for the entire UCSB community. Usage
would increase with greater promotion; at several other UC campuses, CBT
has been marketed extensively to the campus community and now plays a central
role in establishing baseline computing competency.
Funding Source and How This Project Relates to It
To date, this license has been funded via "pass-the-hat" by units who
wanted the direct benefits of specific training modules. Although the training
is freely available to the entire UCSB subnet, no one has specifically
funded student, faculty, or non-technical staff use of this license. Because
of the campus-wide benefit, some campus-wide funding would seem appropriate.
Matching Opportunities
UCOP cost-shared our portion of the fees because we said we could not
otherwise afford to participate in the systemwide license. Full price is
$30,000 per campus.
Staff Support Required
The campus server is running on, requiring annual installation,
and occasional maintenance, by the campus network programmers. Other campus
units can install their own servers to implement features not implemented
on a campus-wide level (e.g., test and progress tracking).
Existing Resources to Be Used
Disk space and CNP time on
Project Timeline
The license runs on a calendar year; the final year of the three-year
agreement is January 1-December 31, 2000. Fees are due to UCOP in December.
Life Cycle of Result
This license agreement ends December 31, 2000. With the company restructuring
currently in progress, it's unknown whether a similar license will be available
after that.
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