Project: EduCAUSE Membership
Sponsor: Alan Moses
Educause is the organization that resulted from the merger of Educom
and Cause, whose mission is "to help shape and enable transformational
change in higher education through the introduction, use, and management
of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship,
research, and institutional management." They do this through educational
events (conferences, Leadership and Management Institute, Frye Institute),
sponsorship of programs (Net@Edu, NLII), and publication of information
(Educom Review, CAUSE/EFFECT, and an extensive online library of white
papers and articles which are freely available with or without membership).
The direct value of membership in Educause is discounted access to Educause
events and services. The cost savings by UCSB attendees at the recent conference
in Long Beach amounted to a little more than 1/3 of the annual membership
fee. The indirect value is in the general support of their good efforts,
and in the prestige of being listed as a member, or rather the "anti-prestige"
of being the only one of our various cohort institutions not to be listed
as a member.
How This Project Supports the Academic Mission of UCSB
Membership in Educause would advance UCSB's use of IT in support of
its academic mission through their educational and informational services,
and would indirectly promote important IT initiatives impacting all of
higher education.
Funding Source and How This Project Relates to It
This past year's membership was funded by "pass-the-hat." It seems
unlikely that this will occur in the future. Since the benefits of membership
are campus-wide, and no single unit has responsibility for the "prestige"
aspect of membership, it seems that this membership should be funded by
a campus-wide source.
Matching Opportunities (If Available)
Staff Support Required
Existing Resources to Be Used
Project Timeline
Next year's membership is due somewhere right around the start of the
next fiscal year.
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