Present: Arlene Allen, Jeffrey Barteet, Larry Carver, Bill Doering, Doug Drury, Matthew Dunham, Randall Ehren, Steve Marks, Elise Meyer, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Larry Murdock, Fuzzy Rogers, Glenn Schiferl, Deborah Scott, Jan Smith, Jacek Smits, Paul Weakliem, James Woods.
AuthTech Update
There was a full and frank discussion about the status and funding of the Identity Management (IdM) project. Here are the key points from that discussion.
- AuthTech reported the following information items:
- They are in the process of defining what a student role is and what the student lifecycle is.
- The existing Oblix tools for doing delegated administration of roles may be too cumbersome for general use. There is a question whether SunJES should be used instead of Oblix.
- As discussed in previous meetings, the campus may need to contract out to develop a better user interface to do delegated administration of roles.
- The IdM project needs a Project Manager.
- The IdM project is critical path for many development efforts on campus.
- IS&C affirmed their commitment to integrating IdM into UPortal in support of the Course Management System project.
- The current cost to support the existing Identity Management structure is approximately $340K/year, of which there is only $73K in permanent funding allocated to this project. In the past IS&C was able to absorb the difference, but after 20.4% in budget cuts they are no longer able to do so. A proposal has gone through their reporting structure to Todd Lee requesting funds to continue the existing infrastructure. More funding would need to be requested for new development projects. IS&C is developing a plan for which IdM services could be provided for just the existing funding of $73K/year – at a bare minimum the directory must continue to run.
- There will be an Auth* meeting on 7/28 at 3:00 to determine both the strategic and tactical goals for this project.
- The next steps are to develop a statement at the next ITPG meeting (8/18) that can be taken forward to the next ITB meeting (8/25). IS&C will continue their efforts to seek funding via their reporting structure, and may also hire a consultant to enhance their request. If no funding is provided by the end of summer, a new plan for IdM must be developed.
SLACK Update
Because of the imminent departure of Laurice, Instructional Computing and OIT are starting discussions to determine whether the Software Depot service should move from IC to OIT at this time.
Protection of Personal Information Status
The EVC has agreed to send out a memo to campus that will help the ITPG effort to inventory personal information data stores.
We still need volunteers to write Best Practices for the following technologies.
Software Layer
- Sybase
- Adabas
- Filemaker Pro
- Excel
- Word
- Access
- Other Open Source DBMS, e.g., Postgres, Ingres, Cloudscape, etc.
- Encrypting drivers, file systems
Hardware Layer
- Laptops with built-in encryption
- Hardware disk encryption
Network Layer
- Encrypted transmissions (including secure terminal sessions, file transfers, and tunnels between servers)
- Certificates
Documentation (doc) was distributed regarding the KST Contract.
Documentation (xls) was distributed regarding UCOP’s Legal2Share agreements.
Intrabuilding Wiring Update
Since no prioritized lists of projects were submitted by control points to the OIT, the OIT will develop its own prioritized list and send it to the control points for their review.
ITPG Futures
The ITPG is now one of three planning groups advising the new IT Board. The other two are the Academic Technology Planning Group (ATPG), chaired by Aaron Ettenberg, and the Enterprise Information Systems Planning Group (EISPG), chaired by Betty Huff. At our next meeting, be prepared to discuss how the ITPG and its subcommittees fit into this new governance structure, how the ITPG can be more strategic, and possible visions for future campus IT.
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