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C2IG Meeting Minutes November 20, 1997


Attendees: Kevin Barron, Nathan Freitas, Steve Francis, Roger Lenard, Elise Meyer, Larry Murdock, Stephen Pope, Kevin Schmidt, Jason Simpson, and Rob Bootsma

Unable to Attend: Ben Humphrey, Jim Frew, Rich Prohaska, Vince Sefcik, and Ed Mehlschau

Equipment Donation Opportunity

Ramez Gerges of Caltrans needs to install an ATM switch for his project the Testbed Center For Interoperability (TCFI). He has offered to make the switch available to the campus for CalREN-2. We discussed that we needed to learn more about the offer, and whether Caltrans could use the inter-campus CalREN-2 network or not.

Note: On 11/25/97, Vince sent out a message detailing the conditions.

CENIC TPG Progress

The CENIC Technical Planning Group decided that the inter-campus backbone will consist of two parallel rings, one doing PoS and the other doing ATM. The tail circuits (UCSB, UCSC, and UCD) would each have pure ATM. Now that the technology for the inter-campus network has been decided, there is still no date scheduled for the circuit order and installation date, and the equipment order date. They are currently considering ATM switches from Fore, Cisco and Newbridge. The GSR's are a Cisco product. The current estimate for having bits flow on the inter-campus network is sometime in March, but it is unknown whether UCSB's circuit will take longer than that to install.

Switch Selection

We are considering two current configurations.

Elise relayed feedback that we might want to consider going with the ATM switch that the TPG chooses in order to simplify troubleshooting (and finger pointing). Steve Francis noted that that wasn't as big an issue between the UCSB backbone switches and the CENIC ATM switch as it was between the UCSB backbone switches and the research group switches.

A spreadsheet summarizing the vendors' RFI responses (PDF) was distributed.

Action Items for Next Meeting: December 4, 1997

  1. Each vendor sponsor needs to verify the information on the spreadsheet for their products and get any changes to Elise prior to our next meeting. The most important questions are indicated by a "*" on the following list.
  2. Vendors should be returning their price information by December 1, 1997. Any responses should be forwarded to the mailing list.

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