Kevin Barron,
Ben Humphrey,
Roger Lenard,
Elise Meyer,
Larry Murdock,
Stephen Pope,
Kevin Schmidt, and
Jason Simpson
Unable to Attend:
Nathan Freitas,
Steve Francis,
Jim Frew,
Rich Prohaska,
Vince Sefcik, and
Ed Mehlschau,
Internet 2 Update
Kevin Barron gave us an update on the Internet 2 meeting that he had attended.
I2 members will become part of UCAID (University Corporation for Advanced
Internet Development.)
I2 will be looking into QoS sometime in 1998.
Kevin heard that Berkeley was going to use Gigabit Ethernet for their backbone
infrastructure. The "SFO" part of I2 is scheduled to go in Q4'97, and the
"LAX" part of I2 is scheduled to go in Q1'98. Check out their website at
ATM Issues
Clarification: the standards that we have been asking the vendors about
regarding Quality of Service are for IP QoS over ATM. Equipment already exists
that provides ATM QoS. Stephen Pope and the NGNM project are interested in
ATM QoS. Stephen reported that two of his destination sites have ATM (at
least as a local network), e.g., SDSC & Berkeley, but that Stanford has
Gigabit Ethernet.
There was a lot of discussion about whether the original proposal
specified ATM or not, specifically the last paragraph of C.4.b CalREN-2 Network
Design. The committee recommended that Stephen draft a note that could be
sent to the CENIC Technical Planning Group to try and determine whether:
1) would we get native access to ATM infrastructure, 2) only access via IP,
3) what's behind it all, and 4) would we be able to negotiate point-to-point
links in an native environment.
Note: Stephen produced a note that was sent to the cenic-tpg on
10/28/97. There was only one relevant response.
Fiber issues
We then discussed drafting a report for the BEG that would detail our problems
and recommendations about the campus fiber plant. This would be presented at
the BEG meeting scheduled for October 22.
Final version of the BEG report (PDF).
Action Items for Next Meeting: October 23, 1997
- Stephen will draft a note regarding ATM for the cenic-tpg.
- Elise will draft a report regarding our fiber recommendations
for the BEG.
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