Questions to be discussed at the ITPG meeting on 6/30/99.
- What are your perceptions of the level of electronic sexual harassment occurring at UCSB?
Is this something that the campus needs to be concerned about as a separate form of sexual harassment?
- How are concerns and complaints handled when they are brought to your attention or to the attention of others who work as campus computer technologists?
Are written records kept about them?
Do you think that you and other computer professionals on campus are adequately aware of the Office of Sexual Harassment Complaint Resolution in Cheadle Hall?
Even if they are aware, do you think that they would consult that office for assistance or refer complaints there for handling?
- Do we need to be providing sexual harassment training and education to any groups of computer professionals on campus that currently are not receiving training?
If so, are there any special considerations we should keep in mind when planning and organizing this training?
- Do we need to develop any special posters or brochures or bookmarks related to the issue of electronic harassment?
Would computer users be more likely to come forward with their concerns and complaints if more explicit information was provided to them?
- Are there any policy implications of electronic harassment that are not currently addressed in exisiting campus policy?
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