The ITPG has spent the last couple of meetings looking at itself and its
subcommittees and suggesting possible ways for committees to be more
effective. We discussed that each committee and subcommittee needed to
determine for itself how to become more effective. The "Rules of
Engagement" are possible options but not mandatory. The important point is
that each committee needs to be effective in dealing with their area of
focus. If the membership feels that a committee has lost its
effectiveness, they should bring that issue to the ITPG and the ITPG will
prescribe solutions.
The ITPG then discussed what topics each of the subcommittees should focus
on for the rest of the academic year.
Backbone Engineering Group (BEG)
Topics: Communication closets; Network cost estimate; Funding
Service Provider: Funding; Ongoing network operations - NGB, wireless
Course Management System (CMS)
Topics: Identify intersections of CMS with other campus efforts; Provide
reports to ATPG for intersections with Academic Technology Goals
Service Provider: Build prototype CMS
Topics: Portals as tool for infrastructure; Schedule of tasks and time frame
Service Providers: Multiple providers providing multiple portals
Topics: Connect w/EISPG; Provide business process documentation to ITPG
(ongoing as it changes); Coordinate w/NBA
Topics: Active Directory Integration; Address issues raised in CMS and DECAF;
Discussion of the instantiation of attributes and roles
Service Providers: Active Directory and attributes and roles
New Business Architecture (NBA)
Topics: End-to-end business practices (student life cycle, perm number,
dependencies); Invite ITPG to presentations
Security Working Group (SEC-WG)
Topics: 802.1x for wireless; Security clients for windows machines, e.g.,
patch management, firewalls, antivirus, intrusion detection, antispam, and
antispyware (identify the best solution)
Topics: Provide advice on Software Depot tools for software acquisition,
tracking, and distribution; Recommend campus investment in campus tools,
e.g., anti-malware software; Compliance; Coordinate with UCOP's Strategic
Service Providers: Order management system
Web Standards and Content Working Group (WSG)
Topics: Develop recommendations for web standards and content; Accessibility; Policy compliance w/ECP and copyright laws; Content management
ITPG Topics
- Identity, Security, and Networking
- Document why we're doing what we are doing with the subcommittees
- How to tie to ATPG and EISPG
- Identify areas of weakness and gaps
- Advocate for proposal projects
We will be discussing the CIO search at the January meeting.
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