Present: Mark Aldenderfer, Arlene Allen, Debbie Anglin, Eric Brody, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Ken Dean Bill Doering,, Doug Drury, Matt Dunham, Rick Johnson, Bill Koseluk, Shea Lovan, Tom Marazita, Elise Meyer, Bruce Miller, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Joan Murdoch, Larry Murdock, Stan Nicholson, Fuzzy Rogers, Saturnino (Doc) Doctor, Deborah Scott, Glenn Schiferl, Jamie Sonsini, Bob Sugar, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh, Mitchell Whitten
Context Redux
Topics from the brainstorming session of the last meeting were reviewed, with the following results (again, in no particular order). The deadline for sending proposals to the list is noon on November 14th.
- Directory augmentation for role or policy-based authorization
Championed by a combination of Auth/Dir and DECAF members and included in the 4 draft proposals submitted by Glenn & Deborah prior to last month's meeting.
- Web authentication services (including single sign-on for campus web services)
Championed by a combination of Auth/Dir and DECAF members and included in the 4 draft proposals submitted by Glenn & Deborah prior to last month's meeting.
- External review of computing
There was brief discussion about whether this should be championed by the OIT.There was also discussion about learning from both the process and results of previous reviews. Championed by Alan Moses.
- Centralized digital archive for research material and publication (and the related intellectual property rights)
Championed by Larry Carver with L&S input.
- Unfunded instructional use of technology projects
Championed by Alan Moses, Tom Marazita & Bill Doering.
- Informational technology staffing levels
This issue is not being championed on its own, instead the issues that require staffing are including their own staffing requests associated with specific functions.
- Course development/management/delivery (Blackboard, WEBCT)
There was discussion that this should include justification and specifications for this technology. Widely consultative with OIT's coordination.
- Software Depot – Campus-wide license service.
Championed by Matt Dunham.
- Network Funding Gap (ISP, IBW, NGB)
The additional topic “possible outsourcing of substandard wiring replacement” was dropped. Championed by Elise Meyer.
- Staff support for new open access labs.
This topic originally just addressed a proposed new open access lab in the new Embarcadero Hall building, but it was combined with #26 24-hour computing lab in the library and coordinated with Instructional Computing’s management of open access labs.Championed by Bill Koseluk, Deborah Scott and Larry Carver in conjunction with item #26.
- Converting the Library-funded Proxy service into a centrally funded campus-wide service.
Removed from consideration.There are probably better ways to secure on-campus information services than by using IP address and the Proxy service.(e.g., direct connection to the UCSB Directory for authentication).
- Expanding videostream services by Instructional Resources.
Championed by Instructional Resources, but in consultation with efforts on #7.
- NGB helpdesk and the technical support for department network administrators
This should be evaluated as an OIT operational issue.
- Wireless networking prototype for campuswide wireless network
Championed by Bruce Miller with input from the Wireless Interest Group.
- Equipment delivery service
There was some discussion that there might be existing services and solutions to resolve the problem of having staff deliver computer equipment to on and off campus locations using their own vehicles.Championed by Dan Ringwald.
- Videoconferencing
Championed by Instructional Resources.
- Computer security audit service for applications, databases, systems and network.
This topic was removed from consideration. UCSB Audit is already providing some of these services, and some security audit is being provided by OIT.There was interest in having the existing security working group take a more active role and perhaps go into system security at a deeper level.There are also OIT outreach issues that should be evaluated as an OIT operational issue.
- Campus web presence
Tabled .
- Assistance with IT ADA Compliance
Mitchell Whitten in the Disabled Students Program is currently handling this.However, Mitchell was invited to submit a proposal regarding what might be needed for the campus to take a more active role in IT ADA Compliance.
- Campus web portal
Championed by a combination of Auth/Dir and DECAF members and included in the 4 draft proposals submitted by Glenn & Deborah prior to last month's meeting.
- Large-scale supercomputing facility
This issue is moving forward via possible grants and matching funds and shouldn't be part of the context funding process.
- Digital ID system
No one volunteered to sponsor this topic, and if a sponsor isn't identified by November 15th, it will be dropped from consideration.
- Netstation upgrades
The Student Fee Advisory Council has provided some funding for equipment. Championed by Bill Koseluk & Deborah Scott.
- Converting technologies into true campus-wide services
An example of this is where it would be desirable to do outreach before bringing this service into production.The group decided that this is really a checklist item for any service provider.
- Campus-wide rapid development environment for wireless enabling services and integrating DATA from disparate services.(i.e. - mainframes, databases, web, LDAP, etc.)
Championed by Bill Doering but coordinated with the Auth/Dir & DECAF proposals above.
- 24-hour computing lab in the library
Championed by Bill Koseluk, Deborah Scott and Larry Carver in conjunction with item #10.
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