Present: Mark Aldenderfer, Arlene Allen, Polly Bustillos, Glenn Davis, Doug Drury, Matt Dunham, George Gregg, Madiega Jacobs, Elise Meyer, Linda Moskovits, Joan Murdoch, Larry Murdock,
Stan Nicholson, Mike Oliva, Fuzzy Rogers, Glenn Schiferl, Deborah Scott, Jan Smith, Jamie Sonsini, Heidi Straub, Chas Thompson, Craig Welsh
The FDDI Backbone was shut down on September 27, 2002 after the migration of the final unit to NGB.
Work is continuing on the Los Carneros route. Contact has been established with the City of Goleta. UCOP has announced that they will fund last mile.
Doug Drury presented a handout including the subcommittee’s new mission statement. The intent is to address practices related to the data stores that represent the UCSB institutional data, discussing topics such as ownership, change management, access and interfaces, design, implementation approaches, and implementation tools in order to identify and encourage best practices that are worthy of campus support, and to provide a forum to foster cross-campus collaboration in this area. There seems to be no definite definition of “UCSB data," but the feeling is that it is any data used between departments and could be critical to the operation of the University. Participants would be self-identified and could be anyone involved in gaining access to data. It has not been decided who DECAF would be advisory to, nor a structure for routing DECAF information. DECAF would look for collaboration between departments, advise ITPG of highlights and philosophical “forks," and serve in an advisory function to managers, who would use the input to arrive at decisions. DECAF was given the go-ahead with its mission.
Many NBA and budget issues are dead in the water due to the budget situation. No major applications are being funded at this time, but some projects were encouraged to proceed, although without
funding. Web-based PPS enhancements are moving forward. A vendor for an Effort Reporting System has been chosen, but the project has not been completely funded. The impetus for this project comes
from the need to meet the reporting requirements for contracts and grants as per Circular OMB A-21. Interwoven and IBM have been indicated as Portal Content Management System vendors, but no
contract has been signed. U-Portal 2.0 has been suggested as an alternative, but no formal decision has been made; some campuses are looking independently for vendors. UCLA utilizes “Bruin-Buy” as
their E-Procurement system, and has offered to partner with other campuses. Only parts of the HRIS proposal are moving forward (e.g., web enablement of PPS and UCOP Data Warehouse). PKI is still
moving along, SF Medical Center and UCOP have a prototype. Jack McCredie at Berkeley indicated that the course management system initiative lacked funding, but asked if JOG was interested in
discussing the topic. Anti-Spam/Virus software is needed, and it was pointed out that there is a high percentage of spam arriving on campuses.
OIT Report
Mark Aldenderfer reported that the campus budget has already absorbed a $2M hit, and another is expected after the election. The amount is unknown, but it may be as much or more. Next year’s budget
looks grim as well, with no solutions being considered. There are no plans for a VERIP. Senior administrators are quite aware of ITPG needs, and are willing to work on WAN and authentication software.
The EVC approves of the ITPG and ITB process, and encourages continued development and presentation of projects despite the financial situation.
The Academic Task Force effort is continuing. This effort will be a project on the scope of campus wiring, entailing classroom networking, better coordination and cooperation between departments. The
OIT is trying to push both “grass roots” and senior administration education on this project.
Now that the new telephone switch is in, Tony Nelson will be able to focus more on the issues surrounding wireless implementation. The cell towers are a concern; Business Services did not involve
Communications Services at the start of negotiations for the first towers, but from here on, CommServe will be part of the process. The consultative process regarding the location of cell towers needs to be
broadened. Building occupants need to find out about cell tower locations via official channels rather than through rumors. Administrative Services will be providing a policy on cell tower locations.
The 2002 Faculty Survey on the Use of Information Technology in Teaching has been completed. Results indicate that the faculty is supportive of new technology. Linda Moskovits has copies of the report;
more information will be available at the ITB meeting at the end of the month. (NB: The report and associated charts are available at: ).
Suggestions for a commonly used name for the LDAP ID field that is used for authentication should be forwarded to Arlene Allen.
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