- Introduction
- Process Issues
- Committee communication
- Email list
- Website
- Regularly scheduled meetings
- How do issues get submitted for discussion?
- Email to mailing list
- Brainstorming at meetings
- Submitted to ITPG co-chairs
- Referred by CNC or ITB
- How do issues get prioritized?
- By reference
- By voting
- How is the issue studied?
- The issue is put on the agenda for the next ITPG meeting
- The issue "champion" articulates the issue to the mailing list for discussion
- If consensus is reached during the electronic discussion the issue moves to the next stage (E).
- Otherwise, the discussion continues at the next meeting or until there is either consensus to move to the next stage, or the issue tabled or dissolved.
- How is the issue recommendation achieved? There are three possible options:
- Develop ITPG recommendation which is submitted to the CNC
- The issue "champion" drafts a recommendation
- Once the recommendation is finalized, the ITPG votes on the recommendation:
- Unanimous – all votes are "for"
- Consensus – votes are either "for" or neutral
- Majority & Minority – both opinions are forwarded in the recommendation
- Pass the issue to an existing CNC subcommittee
- The co-chairs draft a note to the CNC to forward the issue to an existing CNC subcommittee.
- The ITPG approves forwarding the issue to the CNC subcommittee.
- Request that a new CNC subcommittee be formed and pass issue to that new group
- The co-chairs draft a note to the CNC to form a new CNC subcommittee and to forward the issue to that new subcommittee.
- Any ITPG volunteers for the subcommittee are forwarded with the recommendation.
- The ITPG approves forwarding the issue to the new CNC subcommittee.
- How often and when should the ITPG meet?
- Additional process issues?
- Brainstorming Discussion Topics
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