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  OIT Home > Committees > ITPG > Meetings > ITPG Meeting Agenda 10/06/98
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ITPG Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998

  1. Introduction
  2. Process Issues
    1. Committee communication
      1. Email list
      2. Website
      3. Regularly scheduled meetings
    2. How do issues get submitted for discussion?
      1. Email to mailing list
      2. Brainstorming at meetings
      3. Submitted to ITPG co-chairs
      4. Referred by CNC or ITB
    3. How do issues get prioritized?
      1. By reference
      2. By voting
    4. How is the issue studied?
      1. The issue is put on the agenda for the next ITPG meeting
      2. The issue "champion" articulates the issue to the mailing list for discussion
      3. If consensus is reached during the electronic discussion the issue moves to the next stage (E).
      4. Otherwise, the discussion continues at the next meeting or until there is either consensus to move to the next stage, or the issue tabled or dissolved.
    5. How is the issue recommendation achieved? There are three possible options:
      1. Develop ITPG recommendation which is submitted to the CNC
        1. The issue "champion" drafts a recommendation
        2. Once the recommendation is finalized, the ITPG votes on the recommendation:
          • Unanimous – all votes are "for"
          • Consensus – votes are either "for" or neutral
          • Majority & Minority – both opinions are forwarded in the recommendation
      2. Pass the issue to an existing CNC subcommittee
        1. The co-chairs draft a note to the CNC to forward the issue to an existing CNC subcommittee.
        2. The ITPG approves forwarding the issue to the CNC subcommittee.
      3. Request that a new CNC subcommittee be formed and pass issue to that new group
        1. The co-chairs draft a note to the CNC to form a new CNC subcommittee and to forward the issue to that new subcommittee.
        2. Any ITPG volunteers for the subcommittee are forwarded with the recommendation.
        3. The ITPG approves forwarding the issue to the new CNC subcommittee.
    6. How often and when should the ITPG meet?
    7. Additional process issues?
  3. Brainstorming Discussion Topics

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