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ITPG Meeting Minutes September 13, 2001


Present: Mark Aldenderfer, Arlene Allen, Debbie Anglin, Ken Bowers, Eric Brody, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Ken Dean, Jim Dewey, John Doner, Doug Drury, Ken Herman, Shea Lovan, Tom Marazita, Elise Meyer, Bruce Miller, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Joan Murdoch, Larry Murdock, Stan Nicholson, Fuzzy Rogers, Deborah Scott, Glenn Schiferl, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh

Computers and Energy Savings Program

Ken Hermann and Jim Dewey began this portion of the meeting stating that although the energy crisis and rolling blackouts seem to be a thing of the past, the financial crisis related to energy costs will be with us for the next several years, with energy costs doubling from current costs. Suggestions on how the campus can be more effective should be forwarded to Jim ( jim.dewey@pf.ucsb.edu ); creativity is encouraged. They are open to suggestions, but funding for incentives and replacements of newer technology e.g., flatscreen monitors, are scarce. The campus is receiving State funding to expand the co-generation project; still, the expectation is that March 2002 will see a 97% increase overall, with a 300% rate increase in peak load times. A letter will be going out to all students, faculty, and staff regarding the Energy Savings Program. A draft was presented to the ITPG for review, and comments should go to Ken (Ken.Hermann@pf.ucsb.edu ). A suggestion they made was that everyone turn off the lights and their computer monitors whenever they leave their office for a half hour or more. Lighting changes are also being investigated, such as dual lighting, retrofitting for higher efficiency. Jim and Ken would like to return to this group to discuss future options.


Arlene supplied a handout and spreadsheet showing a synopsis of expenses for personnel, hardware and software that were associated with the UCSB Directory Project (LDAP) within IS&C. The system is within three months of completing the first phase of the project, meeting the following criteria:

  1. A stable hardware and software environment that is current and supports the enterprise white pages, dynamic email client reference, and a basic eligibility service.
  2. Web-based applications for self-service modification of individual entries within the directory.
  3. Web-based help and descriptive information that enables the general understanding of the directory contents.
  4. Transmission of extracted information files for both students and employees as mandated by UCOP.
  5. Integration of Communications Services white pages information into the directory with the goal of eliminating future yearly “blue sheet” updates that are manually integrated into the once-a-year printed UCSB directory.
  6. Ongoing support for physical or logical errors (specifically excludes support of the “how-to” variety other than on a time as available basis).

Cost for phase one completion ran approximately $400,000, with maintenance costs anticipated to be $85K/yr for the next 3 years. (This does not include costs associated with updating other servers; users would be responsible for any additional costs.)

The issue of the value of maintaining both the LDAP and an annual printed directory was raised. There was much discussion on the pros and cons of maintaining a printed directory with the “blue pages”; what is the function/value of the printed directory? Where would the additional information be available (maps, “how to” phone use, etc)? More discussion on this topic is necessary.

Email Brown Bag

Alan Moses reported that the event was very well attended, and that many email topics regarding pros and cons to programs, preferences, and features were brought up. The next informal information-sharing meeting is scheduled for Thursday in Psych 1523 at 11:30 to discuss web implementation issues. The Blackboard representative’s trip from Washington was postponed, but Alan will send out an email with the new schedule. There is an on-line demo available on the web at www.blackboard.com for anyone interested. The question regarding Blackboard is should the campus have this course delivery/portal capability as a campus service.

Wireless Interest Group

This project’s preliminary goal is to begin efforts to develop an inventory of existing UCSB wireless data communications systems. Dave Bosso and Ed Mehlschau have indicated their interest, and Housing and Residential Services, Engineering and the Library may also be interested in being represented in the group. Once the inventory is amassed, it will be presented to ITPG for discussion, and then forwarded with comments on to the Wireless Interest Group. It was noted that not only the type of equipment needs to be inventoried, but the applications need to be noted as well.

Context Redux

A brainstorming session followed which provided a number of possible topics for future discussion by the ITPG. At the next meeting these topics will be reviewed, and from that discussion will come a list of issues the ITPG should plan to consider. The topics (in no particular order) are:

  1. Directory augmentation for role or policy-based authorization
  2. Web authentication services (including single sign-on for campus web services)
  3. External review of computing
  4. Centralized digital archive for research material and publication (and the related intellectual property rights)
  5. Unfunded instructional use of technology projects
  6. Information Technology staffing levels
  7. Course development/management/delivery (Blackboard, WEBCT)
  8. Software Depot – Campus-wide license service
  9. Network Gap (ISP, IBW, NGB, possible outsourcing of substandard wiring replacement)
  10. Staff support for new open access labs
  11. Converting the Library-funded Proxy service into a centrally-funded campus-wide service
  12. Expanding videostream services by Instructional Resources
  13. NGB helpdesk and the technical support for department network administrators
  14. Wireless networking prototype for campuswide wireless network
  15. Equipment delivery service
  16. Videoconferencing
  17. Computer security audit service for applications, databases, systems and network
  18. Campus web presence
  19. Assistance with IT ADA Compliance
  20. Campus web portal
  21. Large-scale supercomputing facility
  22. Digital ID system
  23. Netstation upgrades
  24. Converting technologies into true campus-wide services [Note: This was submitted since the meeting.]

All were encouraged to brainstorm until just before the next meeting on these topics.

New Member

Linda Moskovits was introduced as a new member of the group. Linda is located in the Office of Information Technology, and is involved (among other things) in the coordination of course development and research on the Digital Divide.

Next Meeting

The next ITPG meeting will be held on Thursday, October 25, at 9:30 a.m. in the Mary Cheadle Room of the Library. Please let Elise or Glenn know if you are a CorporateTime user and this meeting is not on your calendar.

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