Present: Arlene Allen, Ken Bowers, Eric Brody, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, William Doreing, Matt Dunham, Rick Johnson, Shea Lovan, Elise Meyer, Allan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Joan Murdoch, Michael Oliva, Jan Smith, Jamie Sonsisi, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
The goal of having everybody off FDDI by September 13 has almost been attained; Caltrans/TCFI is the only remaining connection, and they are planning to move some time next week. We still plan to turn off the FDDI network on September 30.
IT Proposals
Mark Aldenderfer presented his prioritization of the IT proposals to the Chancellor and Todd Lee, who received them well but were non-committal due to the “phantom” State budget. Additional budget cuts are anticipated, and no final figures should be expected before January. The proposals with the most traction involved the Authorization software and the additional FTE for support of the Directory. They understood the needs and realities, but the funding is the problem.
Glenn Davis reported that UCOP is in the same budget boat. A letter regarding funding for the NBA initiatives has been sent to UC President Atkinson, received, and is on hold in the Budget Office.
Cox Cable Modem Service
Paul Valenzuela introduced information about the Cox Communications Business Internet Service. In the past Communications Services has made arrangements with Verizon such that Verizon’s dial-up service could be billed directly to University account numbers for eligible faculty and staff. Paul wanted to know if there would be enough customers to justify setting up a similar arrangement with Cox. It was noted that the Cox Business Service costs more but perhaps has better usage policies than Cox Residential Service. It was also suggested that we could avoid some ISP charges if we (or CENIC) had a peering relationship with Cox. Additional discussion covered dependability and technological support. There was some interest in setting up a billing arrangement, but the number of potential customers involved was small. [NB: Based on this feedback, Communications Services will not proceed with a billing arrangement.]
Emergency Alarm
Emergency alarms were activated at approx 10:45, at which time the meeting was adjourned.
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