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ITPG Meeting Minutes September 1, 1999


Present: Arlene Allen, Art Battson, Glenn Davis, John Doner, Bill Doering, George Gregg, Bill Koseluk, Tom Marazita, Elise Meyer, Joan Murdoch, Stan Nicholson, Kevin Schmidt, Deborah Scott, Jamie Sonsini, Bob Sugar, John Vasi

Not Present: Debbie Anglin, Kevin Barron, Ken Bowers, Phil Handley, Sonia Johnston, Tom Lawton, Pam Lombardo, Bill McTague, Ed Mehlschau, Alan Moses, Larry Murdock, Vince Sefcik

Bob Sugar reported that ITB members had asked him to summarize the data collected last year regarding major IT service providers on campus. The summary will include such items as numbers of FTE, budgets, and services provided. This will provide a background for the "unfunded" items that will be highlighted in the ITPG "Context Paper" that will go to ITB at the same time. Bob has asked the heads of the major IT service units to review the numbers.

Discussion of the draft Context Paper then began with a question regarding the "emailaddress@ucsb.edu" item. The origin of the project and an overview of current status were presented. In short, the code necessary to establish and modify email "handles" and to rewrite email addresses has been written and the design has been shared with some potential customers. The project is now waiting for the official LDAP directory to provide a means of authentication. It was suggested that the proposed design be shared with some appropriate group before it is set in concrete as there may be policy questions regarding such things as guidelines on email handles or retention periods for obsolete addresses.

Next, it was noted that the $1.5M listed for NGBB included $100K for maintenance that would be ongoing.

The Authentication/Directory cost items were explained to reflect the software licenses for LDAP (for which Netscape charges by the number of entries) and yearly costs for PKI certificates (which are estimated at $5 each per year). A total of 25,000 individuals was assumed for these calculations.

Discussion then moved to the Security item. In general, the tightening of network security will focus on three areas: (1) general filtering at the boundary (a tight firewall at the campus boundary probably won't work due to aggregate data rates and unique protocols), (2) intrusion detection and, (3) scanning for problems in our own network. These all assume a general increase in tidiness of operating system installation and maintenance. An additional person will be required to accomplish even these modest goals. In addition to general network security training, such a person will need NT and UNIX operating system skills to help sysadmins secure their systems.

Items suggested for addition to the Context Paper included: the CBT contract, news services, Netstations (currently included in the 1244 workstations driving the $800K in cyclic replacement costs item), listservers, and Software Depot (currently included in the student email item). It was noted that our survey of students was aimed at telling us whether we need to increase the total number of Netstations

It was reported that four units have volunteered to chip in toward the $6000 EDUCAUSE membership fee. The fee has been paid (by IS&C) and, if there are no additional organizations volunteering to share, the cost will be divided equally among the Library, Academic Programs (including IC & IR), L&S and IS&C (including Communications Services).

The discussion on the Context Paper closed with the group agreeing to do additional review via email with the intent of delivering the document to ITB by 9/13 so that they have time to think about it before their 9/20 meeting.

The Auth/Dir committee conveyed a proposal specifying how email addresses would be stored in the LDAP and who will initially have the privilege of changing them (see the Auth/Dir web page for details). It was also noted that access to the campus directory will be authenticated - that is, one must be a member of the directory in order to search it). The next topic to expect from this group is an outline of the process by which additional objects will be proposed and ratified for inclusion in the LDAP. Co-chairs of the Auth/Dir committee request that other members of ITPG review the specifications and comments on the Auth/Dir web page and submit comments.

An overview of the Watson/Wyatt report on recruiting and retention of IT workers at UC was discussed. Key points were the estimated lag in UC salaries (14-26%, for CNT IIIs, depending on the skill set and how one calculates percentages), possibility of UC-wide internships, UC "branding" (i.e., creating a UC identity as a high-tech employer) and the suggestion of a blanket contract with a "Master Recruiter" for all IT jobs within UC.

UCOP has issued the first draft of a new Electronic Communications Policy. ITPG has been asked to read and comment on any "showstoppers" that might be present. A more detailed review will be conducted later.

Membership and chairs of two new ITPG subcommittees (Administrative Systems Integration & Computer Laboratory Operations) have been identified. Next step is to coordinate the charge to each committee with the new chairs and co-chairs.

The survey project was delayed when a key staff member went out on disability. Others are regrouping to get the survey back on track for delivery when classes start.

The RFQ for modems is in progress. ITPG members will be asked to comment before it goes to Purchasing.

The wording of web "warning" and "privacy" notification screens has become an issue. Examples have been circulated to ITPG members with requests for comment. Several people are in search of standard language to use for such things. It was suggested that the new Electronic Communications Policy might be a good place to include templates.

The next ITPG meeting is scheduled for 9:00-11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 17, in North Hall 1131. (We have been assured that the carpenters working next door will have been replaced by painters – who are not nearly so rowdy – by September 17.)

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