Present: Arlene Allen, Kevin Barron, Eric Brody, Polly Bustillos, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Doug Drury, Matt Dunham, Tom Lawton, Tom Marazita, Ed Mehlschau, Elise Meyer, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Saturnino Doctor, Deborah Scott, Jan Smith, Brian Smith-Sweeney, Heidi Straub, Chas Thompson, Paul Valenzuela, Craig Welsh
Two iPlanet Directory Access Routers (iDAR) will be placed in front of the LDAP servers. This will provide a balance across the three servers. Umail conversion is progressing. The most frequent suggestion to the web design was a logoff button.
BEG Meeting
Everyone should be off the FDDI backbone by September 13. Remaining users include Chemistry, ERC, Environmental Studies, Athletics, HSSB, Geography, Student Affairs (QUAD & SAASB), Creative Studies, and Caltrans/TCFI.
We are still trying to get OS 7.5.5 to fix the multicast issues, which works, but not as well as planned.
Construction work has begun at HRC, and fiber for the Los Carneros route is being ordered. A Civil Engineering firm has been engaged for right of way and title search issues. We are continuing to work with UCOP regarding last mile construction costs, and are still waiting to hear from UCOP regarding funding for the project.
The Phase 3 Projects received by the July 31 deadline are:
- OR: Sedgewick & Coal Oil Point Reserve
- L&S: more parts of buildings
- AS: Transportation Services
Cost estimates need to be developed, which will be presented to control points. These new projects will be prioritized along with the remaining unfunded projects from the prior phases. Phase 1 projects (Psychology and Noble Hall) are proceeding. Work on Phase II (Embarcadero Hall) is beginning, with bids out for boring. Minor cap proposal has been approved, and wireless options are under investigation.
Sophos Anti-virus software is available from the Software Depot.
Glenn Davis handed out drafts of the profile for the recruitment for the new Associate Vice President for Information Resources and Communications and a summary of OP’s NBA initiatives for discussion at the meeting.
A new DECAF subcommittee and mission statement was presented. After much discussion it was agreed that a new draft should be formulated and distributed to clarify the purpose and intent from all angles.
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