Present: Arlene Allen, Larry Carver, Saturnino Doctor, Bill Doering, Doug Drury, Shea Lovan, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Larry Murdock, Deborah Scott, Paul Valenzuela, Craig Welsh
Arlene handed out a report of the campus directory and middleware service that contained the goals, responsibilities, near- and long-term expectations, and historical perspective of the authentication and authorization software project at UCSB. After determining that the matrix used for evaluation of proposals is valid and the legalese is satisfactory, the campus Purchasing office is expected to approve the purchase from Oblix by the end of today. The necessary hardware (PC servers) has been ordered and implementation will be as soon as possible. The Single Sign-On component of the implementation will be addressed first. The service will be available to the campus 24/7. The vendor support contract is 24/7 enabled, but how local support will be accomplished e.g., hours, monitoring software, on-call paging will need to be discussed in terms of people and funding. A “best practices” document will be drawn up in a progressive fashion. There will also be a website to provide a common location for the campus’s collected knowledge and experience with directory, identity management, and authorization. Target dates are August 1 for receipt of the software, followed shortly by the hardware. In regards to the budget, since the original request was from three years ago and for only approximately 25% of what we have ordered, the cost is considerably more than budgeted. A coalition of interested parties is being formed for additional funding.
The guidelines from the Vice Chancellor are expected to come out within the next two weeks. A copy will be provided to Paul Valenzuela for posting on the ITPG website. (See SB1386 Guideline.) One question revolves around the issue of encryption and conflicting policies, most notably the EPC policy prohibiting encryption. In addition, if files are encrypted over time, encryption keys can be lost and the data becomes unusable. The next JOG meeting should provide other campuses' responses to SB1386; DECAF will have a report. It was noted that more discussion in smaller groups is needed to consider this issue, as well as the issue of intrusion protection (as opposed to penetration and compromise). If there are nationally recognized templates available, they should be considered for use. Discussions will involve the TIPG Security Working Group (SECWG mailing list, chaired by Kevin Schmidt).
UC Budget
UC is facing an additional $161M budget cut, plus an increase in student fees. At this point, everything is “up in the air." All were admonished to be proactive with division heads in presenting the importance of the Authware project. In addition, Alan Moses mentioned that some questions regarding IT funding are being posed at the College level.
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