Present: Arlene Allen, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Elise Meyer, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Stan Nicholson, Deborah Scott, Brian Sweeney, Craig Welsh
Directory Update
An extract from LDAP will be used to publish the campus directory. Since we don’t have authorization software, there wasn’t a mechanism for proxy updates this year. So MSOs visited Terry Malosh and updated their department’s information using a special application on his desktop. This procedure was very successful and has resulted in a more accurate database. IC and IS&C working together on code upgrades for the Umail integration. The first step will be to prevent further duplication of userids. Next will be to work off those userid collisions that are already in place. Then a plan for implementation can be made.
ONI Update
The Regents met last week, but we haven’t heard that the Last Mile Construction projects have been funded yet. Our final project costs are due to UCOP by tomorrow. At UCSB, work is progressing in three areas. We have begun construction at Hollister Research Center to create a new backdoor out of the building and a route under the parking lot. Civil Engineers Penfield and Smith will be clarifying the easements and right of way along Los Carneros road from HRC to the railroad tracks. We’ve received good prices for fiber material in our fiber RFQ.
CENIC has completed their evaluation of backbone DWDM equipment. The CENIC BAC and Board have approved the selection and now negotiations with the vendor are underway.
The October 1/December 1 deadlines were due to a need to get off the PacBell provided SONET rings before they doubled the cost. Now that PacBell will be participating in ONI, these deadlines may slip, since it is uncertain that PacBell can deliver the new ONI service by the December 1 deadline.
IBW Reminder
The call for IBW projects is due in the OIT Wednesday, July 31. Proposals need to go to control points for prioritization, then to OIT. All previous projects not completed (and not seriously altered from original submission) are still on the list.
The UC Computer Support Conference will be in Berkeley next week. Proposed submissions for the Poster Session were available for review; additional content will be accepted until Friday afternoon by the OIT.
The Alexandria Project is developing a napster-like personal library function. This will be an interesting project to watch over the coming year, and may also provide content for next year’s UCCSC campus report.
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