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ITPG Meeting Minutes July 17, 2000


Present: Arlene Allen, Todd Atkins, Kevin Barron, Art Battson, Eric Brody, Ken Bowers, Bill Doering, Chuck Haines, Phil Handley, Gail Johnson, Rick Johnson, Bill Koseluk, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Larry Murdock, Kevin Schmidt, Vince Sefcik, Jamie Sonsini, Paul Valenzuela, John Vasi, Karen Whitney

Not Present: Debbie Anglin, George Gregg, Tom Lawton, Tom Marazita, Ed Mehlschau, Stan Nicholson, Deborah Scott

BEG surfaced the question of remote locations that are treated as part of campus. A successful wireless link to Santa Cruz Island was reported.

The Wiring Standards Group (WSG) reported that a draft of the new standards has been completed and will soon be put on the web. Types of wire and budgeting for new buildings were also topics of discussion.

A question of where the standards draft should go next was raised (BEG or ITPG?). Responses to the letter to Deans, et al. from those who believe their intrabuilding wiring is below standard have been forwarded to the chairs of the BEG and will be forwarded to the members of the WSG. BEG is to schedule a meeting to review the NGB RFP before it can be sent out.

Another document showing ways to make initial estimates of wiring costs was in draft at the time of the meeting, but now has been published on the CommServ website.

Questions regarding the GTE/UCSB ISP contract were answered as follows:

  1. Current customers may continue using the service at the $15.45 rate until December 13, 2000.
  2. Composite (departmental) billing for current customers may continue beyond that date if desired.
  3. GTE.net will send email to each customer regarding price/service changes.
  4. Service beyond 12/13 will cost $19.95 with a 150 hour threshold, above which the cost will be $1.00 per hour.
  5. The ISP service comes with one GTE.net mailbox – additional mailboxes may be purchased.
  6. Help Desk services for composite billing accounts will continue as they are today.

Cox@home is reported to have given up trying to implement composite billing to campus customers. Training reps and difficulty of modifying the billing program were the reasons given.

A mailing list has been created for the on-campus distribution of Gartner Group email newsletters. The list is called gartner@ucsb.edu, and may be subscribed to via an email to gartner-request@ucsb.edu with "subscribe" as the subject.

Results of the ITB Faculty Survey were distributed and discussed. 282 surveys were returned (25%). The Student Survey results are in process. Doing surveys yearly would strain the resources available to compile the results. The possibility of designing a Scantron survey to ease the compilation process was offered. However, the comments received in the "other" categories are very rich in content and would be lost. Comments and questions regarding the survey may be sent to the ITPG discussion list.

Todd Atkins (security@ucsb.edu) was introduced as the new Campus Security Coordinator (this new position should not be confused with the Electronic Information Security Guidelines Coordinator appointed under IS-3, Glenn Davis, or the Security Programmer in IS&C, Terry Malosh (security@isc.ucsb.edu)). It was noted that system administrators might notice probes coming from an OIT Security Group machine (security.oit.ucsb.edu).

The Auth/Dir group reported that the schema for inclusion of students in the LDAP directory is in draft. Fields for department and separation date are also going in at the same time. The question of how long after the end of a quarter we keep a student in the directory was raised. Web applications to be used for registration and personal data maintenance are in test . Production deployment will be in https on AIX before the end of July. We currently have a license for 11,000 entries. We need to increase this to 25,000. (Note: Costs were verified at Directory Server License = $.70/user and Subscription and Support = $.18/user, for a first year cost of $12,320, with subsequent year costs of $2,520/year.)

It was noted that Congress might disallow use of SSN as a primary field. That will not be a problem for the LDAP because UCSBCAMPUSID is the key field.

Auth/Dir will meet on the third Thursday of each month to discuss items too lengthy or involved for the regular first Thursday meetings. Items on the agenda for July are portals and Housing's interest in Active Directory/WIN 2000.

The public version of LDAP will go into production by the end of July.

DECAF reported that workstation recommendations will be published on the web by the end of the month. A section on how to buy a recommended workstation from the UCSB Bookstore might be added to the document. Departments that have "superset" standards are also invited to provide links for specific majors. Links to Housing's recommendations to residents might also be provided on the same page.

DECAF is also trying to define data elements that all departments might agree upon using. About 20 common data elements are under consideration.

The Portal Issue surfaced in discussions of making services more easily accessed by students. Groups are at work trying to define the desired contents of student and auxiliary portals. Single sign-on is highly desirable. Thus, the portal discussion raises authentication issues from the beginning. (Note, there will be a presentation of iCollege's portal offering on Tuesday, August 15, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the UCen State Street Room.)

Plans to eventually migrate away from use of Perm/PIN for access to student services were surfaced. Some thought that the migration might take 20 years to accomplish. The Registrar's office was reported to be willing to increase the length of the PIN by two characters in the interim.

The Wireless Scouting Party is drafting a document for distribution at the August ITPG meeting.

The major discussion item for the meeting was a proposed procedure for guidance of new intrabuilding wiring projects now that the OIT is in place. After some discussion, the steps on the white board were:

  1. Proposal
  2. Sanity Check by WSG
  3. Rough (formula based) cost estimate by WSG
  4. Preliminary prioritization:
    1. technical consideration by BEG
    2. program (need) consideration by ITPG
  5. Determine whether other work is being done in the building by coordinating with BAP, CPC and FM.
  6. Design, with input from OIT, occupants, FM.
    1. Marketing and communications of benefits by those in early phases
  7. Formal cost estimate by OIT (might require RFQ)
  8. Final priority negotiation with consideration of "surge" issues presented to ITPG by OIT
  9. Implementation
  10. Review with customers
  11. Repeat process yearly

It was noted that new grants and research projects would preempt the process and reset priorities regularly, even during the implementation step.

The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) now does "periodic divisional reviews." These could include the coordination indicated in 5 above.

The question of whether building occupants or some central authority (OIT?) would drive the wiring process was raised. The notion that a central unit could drive provision of basic data services using the model of telephone lines and electrical service without much coordination with customers was discussed.

It was suggested that the (future) OIT web page should include links to specific project pages showing status.

The next meeting of ITPG is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 17.

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