Present: Arlene Allen, Eric Brody, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Saturnino Doctor, Doug Drury, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Glenn Schiferl, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
The memo has been distributed to Deans, Provosts, Directors, and Chairs from Gene Lucas and George Pernsteiner, making the campus aware of issues surrounding SB1386. Doug Drury is the point of contact and has sent out a revised set of guidelines, including a data storage inventory form and assessment questionnaire. The official draft was forwarded to the Office of the President June 30. If there is no comment, the draft will become the official document. This is a living document and we should expect revisions as we progress. Campus departments are to be notified by ITPG, which needs to determine how and when to distribute the documents and how to train departmental personnel. Doug has put together a PowerPoint presentation and expects to present it to ABOG, have it included in the Fiscal Management Program offered by Accounting, and use it for presentations at IT campus meetings. Information will also be available on the web. Doug will make the initial presentations himself, and his staff will continue with later presentations. Volunteers are welcome to join in, and the information will be prominently available.
July 25 is the official data extraction date for the printed directory. DDEs are being contacted directly to make sure data is being edited. All indications are that all are performing edits.
The last meeting of the committee was Friday, and discussion of the proposals is complete. A quality point method was used to evaluate the responses, and Arlene is currently tallying the results. A conclusion should be announced soon.
IT Issues
The UC Computing Services Conference is being held August 3-5 at UC Irvine. Chris Dempsey and Mark Aldenderfer will be making presentations. Late registration begins July 7.
The College of Engineering is looking into Voice over IP. They are not sure if they will proceed, as there are still issues to be solved. Carnegie-Mellon just finished an evaluation and has an interesting report on their website.
Glenn Davis
This was Glenn’s last day after being on campus for 43 years. He thanked the group for their participation, and reminded the attendees not to underestimate the power in the consensus of the group. He was offered the honor of taking the minutes of his final meeting, but he graciously declined.
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