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ITPG Meeting Notes June 18, 2007


Present: Arlene Allen, Jeffrey Barteet, Lubomir Bojilov, David Bosso, Eric Brody, Ted Cabeen, Larry Carver, Bill Doering, Ann Dundon, Randall Ehren, Andrew Krone, Aaron Martin, Mark McGilvray, Elise Meyer, Steve Miley, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovits, Andy Satomi, Glenn Schiferl, Deborah Scott, Chris Sneathen, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Kevin Wu.

CIO Status

It was announced on 6/15/07 that Thomas Putnam was appointed Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, effective August 15, 2007.

The group then discussed the best way to welcome Tom and to position ourselves to assist him. We thought we would start with the two lists that we developed last fall, and then provide a summary of what we’ve done.

Update from 6/8/07 ITB Meeting

Student Technology Fee

There are plans to move forward with a student technology fee with a possible vote in Spring 2008. The proposed items to be funded by this fee are: wireless, CMS, open access labs, Identity Management, and a Student Portal. The ITPG is very supportive of this effort and we would like to help. We have questions about the following areas:

  • What is being funded, at what level?
  • From a campus perspective, what are the most productive things to fund?
  • What is the governance structure and will it be able to address the fact that for many of the items listed, they can’t just be funded for a single year?
  • How will it be marketed? T-shirts, meetings, etc.
  • Do there need to be product/service champions?
  • Can the IT fee be prioritized against other student fee efforts?

The ITPG needs more information about the initiatives to be funded and the strategy for the ballot proposal.

BEG Challenges and Recommendations

Here is a summary of the discussion regarding the BEG Challenges & Recommendations Document:

  1. Develop a Communications Infrastructure Master Plan.

    The EVC's goal for UCSB's Information Technology is to be ahead of the middle of the pack. He wants the new CIO to translate this into a vision statement for Communications Infrastructure, which will then guide the design principles, standards, etc.

  2. Create an updated Communications Infrastructure Standards document utilizing professional consulting services.

    OIT/CS will fund this effort.

  3. Create a Campus Communications Infrastructure Design Review Committee.

    There was sympathy with how difficult new and renovated building projects are: the budget is set so far out and usually is inadequate, requirements need to be correctly translated into drawings (and stay on the drawings), needs have to survive value engineering, and then during the actual construction process you have to be on top of contractor submittals and changes in the field that ultimately affect what is built.

  4. The ITB recommended that the best way to approach the challenges that the Design Review Committee recommendation is trying to solve is to:

    • Have a clear minimum baseline standard that no one can go below be part of the Communications Infrastructure Standards.
    • Have a technical staff person follow the building process more closely.

    There was some interest in having someone document the cost impacts when things are value-engineered out.

  5. Develop a sustainable network funding model which supports the goals of the Communications Infrastructure Master Plan.

    There wasn’t much discussion on this item because it is complementary to the Infrastructure Funding Model project which has already been endorsed by the ITB.

There was disappointment in the ITPG that the concept of a Design Review Committee that could hold a project to campus standards was not endorsed by the ITB. There was concern that without such a mechanism, occupant goals and budget constraints would hamper achievement of campus goals.

ITGC Interim Report

Individual comments may be submitted at the ITGC Interim Report website. The ITPG will discuss this at our July 16 meeting to provide VCR Witherell with an ITPG consensus view. There were some initial questions about how system-wide priorities reconciled with campus priorities. Some wondered whether UCSB had the infrastructure in place to participate in these efforts. Others felt that we should find a way to be part of system-wide efforts.

Procedure for Ongoing UCSB Web Standards Review and Endorsement

The consensus was that the draft Procedure for Ongoing UCSB Web Standards Review and Endorsement looked fine.

UCCSC 2007

UCCSC is this July 29 - 31 at UCSC. Registration closes on July 13, 2007. UCSB is the site for the Summer 2008 UCCSC.

Emergency Alert Notices

A Text Messaging Subcommittee will have their first meeting on June 21. They are looking at one-year service offerings and will make a recommendation to the Emergency Operations Committee by early July.

Meeting Schedule

Beginning in July we will move to our new meeting schedule of 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. on the third Monday of each month.

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