Present: Jan Smith, Alan Moses, Arlene Allen, Elise Meyer, Heidi Straub, Doug Drury, Saturnino Doctor,
Tom Putnam, Andy Satomi, Glenn Schiferl, Randall Ehren, Henry Shatavsky, Chuck Haines, David Bosso,
Larry Murdock, Jim Woods, Bruce Miller, Ann Dundon, Jeffrey Barteet, Mike Oliva, Aaron Martin,
John Ajao, Richard Kip, Chas Thompson, Bill Doering, Paul Weakliem, Fuzzy Rogers, Ken Dean, Sean Bennett,
Deborah Scott, Steve Miley,Chris Sneathen, Polly Bustillos.
ITPG Leadership Candidates
There were remarks from the four candidates: Randall Ehren, Bruce Miller, Fuzzy Rogers, Jim Woods.
Comments were made by each on their view of ITPG participation within the campus IT dialogue.
Points made were: examination of campus central services; opportunistic leverage of
many long-term talented IT people on campus collaborating; focus on the University
missions of teaching and research; ITPG seemed marginalized, and more creative solutions
were needed.
Randall stipulated his intent to run for only the vice chair position.
An early topic for the new leadership would be the subsequent voting rules and procedures.
Voting Procedures
A long conversation ensued with enough caveats that the nominating committee
stated they would huddle and issue the results at a later date. It was clarified that the term
of office began on July 1.
In miscellaneous commentary, Alan Moses offered up distance learning as a new topic for future
discussion, and Tom Putnam mentioned that two ITB meetings have thus far been canceled.
Note: The following notes were sent to the ITPG list on 7/13/2009.
With the introduction of the candidates, discussion ensued on the voting procedure, and the nominating committee took the task of formalizing the voting procedure based on discussion in ITPG.
The newly created leadership positions are for two years. In the future, only one candidate will be selected, and that candidate will become the Vice-Chair for one year, and then assume the Chair position the year following. Thus, in years to come we elect a new Vice-Chair position annually.
Since there is no outgoing Chair, for this election only, we will elect a Chair position that will last only one year. Another caveat for this election is that one candidate, Randall Ehren, expressed the desire to be considered only for the Vice-Chair position so that he could have the opportunity to gain more leadership experience before taking the primary role. The other three candidates were willing to serve in either position.
Voter eligibility was considered with the possibility of ITPG meeting attendance as a factor, but the majority favored an election as inclusive as possible.
Finally, since the meeting takes place during the vacation-rich summertime, we needed a proxy vote system.
With these issues in mind, the nominating committee devised the following procedure:
ITPG Leadership Voting Procedure
Anyone on the ITPG mailing list will be eligible to vote, and individuals could self-select as to whether their level of participation allowed them to make an informed decision.
At the next ITPG meeting, on Monday 7/20, those present will be able to cast paper ballots for the two positions in two passes: first, for the one-year Chair position between Bruce Miller, Fuz Rogers, and Jim Woods; and then for the two-year Vice Chair position between the two candidates who were not elected chair plus Randall Ehren.
Opportunity for Dell Information Sessions
Alan Moses led off the discussion for information session of a general nature, rather than just Dell.
Soliciting CSF list for general topics and announcements was mentioned.
Monthly presentations were suggested. Jeffrey and Steve offered to create list of potential topics.
SEC-WG Update
Kevin updated the group on the recent hire of Andrew Bowers for the security analyst position. He
mentioned the nature of security duties, ECP policy under review, privacy discussions, incidental
personal use, DNS filtering, and firewall peer review.
Tom recapped ITLC's recent effort in assembling a suggested projects list, to include: Regional data center,
policy review, time and attendence, email, federated research data repository, student technical fee,
middleware study, data warehouse at UCOP.
Tom also mentioned the ongoing effort from the controller's group to create a PPS futures white paper,
and that Internet 2 was changing the member fee model.
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