Present: Mark Aldenderfer, Arlene Allen, Jeffrey Barteet, Ken Bowers, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Ken Dean, Chris Dempsey, Saturnino Doctor, Doug Drury, George Gregg, Tom Lawton, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Fuzzy Rogers, Glenn Schiferl, Kevin Schmidt, Deborah Scott, Jan Smith, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
JOG Update
Doug Drury gave a synopsis of what JOG is and what it should be. There is a push for a “CIO” model which would be effective in presenting IT issues to the Office of the President, but there is also a need for a joint operations group, for example the NBA, but percolated up from the campus level. This model would allow a high level of collaboration across the system. Currently, UCLA is implementing DARS, Berkeley is dealing with an SB1386 incident, and Merced has acquired a Sunn Identity Management System. The major issue in the reformation of the job group would be limiting each campus to one or two members appointed by the Chancellor.
Doug also reported on the status of SB1386 on campus. DECAF has drafted two memos, which have been approved by the ITB but not yet distributed to the campus. A set of guidelines based on the IS&C internal document is being formulated for dissemination with the memos. One issue related to SB1386 is the mechanism for communicating with the Office of the President, which is addressed in the draft but open to revisions. Please get back to Doug with suggestions. In the draft, “server” equals hardware box, and “system” is defined as the software application. The proposal is that there would be one campus role, that of Campus Incident Coordinator. An addition to bullet 3 should address the need to restore business operations as soon as possible after the system is backed up, and the method of backup is important. UCSB is required to have procedures in place by the end of June. Comments should be forwarded directly to Doug, who will then forward suggestions to ITPG with a 5-day deadline for comments.
Arlene stated that evaluations on submitted proposals are done. Preliminary compilation of points has resulted in three top choices, all of which are in very close competition. Arlene would like to bring all three vendors to campus for presentations for a closer look, probably in early June.
IT Issues
Residential Services has requested in increase in bandwidth to 100MB. Considering the construction of new facilities on campus and the acquisition of Francisco Torres, this request is not unreasonable. There would be no effect on campus, and the billing would remain the same. Major concerns should be directed to Kevin Schmidt.
The license for Sophos virus protection on campus is set to expire July 15. The license is designed around 24K users on multiple platforms, and is available from the Software Depot. Renewal rate is $25,200 for 2 years or $33,600 for 3 years. Departments are encouraged to download it and try it out. If you like it, please contribute what you can. The Norton license expires in June; discussion ensued whether to replace Norton with Sophos, which is mainly a mail-filtering tool, but runs on more platforms than Norton. Sophos also offers campus training sessions on the use of the program.
Summer Meeting Schedule
Paul Valenzuela will set up and verify the meeting schedule for summer at the next meeting.
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