Present: Eric Brody, Clayton Burnham, Polly Bustillos, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Ken Dean, Matt Dunham, Randall Ehren, George Gregg, Bill Koseluk, Tom Lawton, Elise Meyer, Bruce Miller, Alan Moses, Linda Moskovitz, Joan Murdoch, Stan Nicholson, Michael Oliva, Fuzzy Rogers, Saturnino Doctor, Glenn Schiferl, Jan Smith, Chris Sneathen, Jamie Sonsini, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
ONI Update
Work has begun on Los Carneros route. This project can be broken into 4 pieces:
- Placing new fiber in the abandoned sewer ducts between Public Safety and HRC – we have verified that the ducts are clear and usable.
- Passing through Hollister Research Center and out their parking lot.
- Attaching under a bridge that crosses a creek.
- Boring a second duct parallel to the existing duct along Los Carneros. This will be done as maintenance to the existing route.
ITPG Proposals
The ITB met on April 8th and ratified the project ranking from their online survey. A report comparing their normalized results with ITPG normalized results is available online. The final step is for Mark to take the feedback from both the ITB and ITPG and develop a recommendation with a prioritized project list and present it to the EVC.
NBA (New Business Architecture)
The NBA Project Status Report dated April 11, 2002 was distributed. The current of focus of NBA efforts are on three initiatives: HRIS, E-Procurement, and Enabling Technology. Two Enabling Technologies are on the fast track, Portals / Content Management, and Authorization Software. Portals/Content Management RFP responses were received on April 8th and are being evaluated. A good estimate for a system-wide license is $2M. We believe that the Authorization Software RFP was still in draft form, so it was a surprise to see in this report that there was an RFP response deadline of May 20. There seems to be a fast track, but we’re not on it.
Energy Conservation
Ken Hermann sent an email to Elise asking her to remind us all that summer is coming, energy demands are going to be high, and rates are double what they were last year. (NB: Someone wanted to know how much our electrical usage is compared to last year. We were using 7,700-8,000 KW at night last year around June 21, and we are trying to achieve 6,500-6,700 KW at night this summer. On June 20 this year we had a nighttime low usage of 6,580 KW.)
Published Directory Updates
The official period for updating information to be published in the campus directory is approaching. Communications Services plans to use LDAP as the data source this year. Some of the challenges that will need to be addressed are:
- Having everyone go on-line to update their own information.
- Determining the criteria for extracting records for publication.
- Registering the 4,750 people that have not yet logged into LDAP. (Only 876 people have registered to-date.)
- Updating the information for people who are in LDAP but not in PPS (thus not able to register themselves) e.g., Emeriti and Directory-only entries.
IS&C has indicated their willingness to help. The plan for implementation is:
- Inform ITPG.
- Inform CSF and provide a “heads up” for questions.
- Notify BOI Alumni and/or ABOG.
- Mark plans to talk to faculty senate.
- Publish an article in 93106.
- Deadline: Early August (NB: The actual deadline that was announced was July 15th.)
It was suggested that a preview listing of what would be printed should be made available to MSOs and Department Heads for their review prior to the final data extract. It was clarified that the database used for 911 locations is separate from LDAP. It was also suggested that reminders be sent to individuals close to the deadline, possibly from the Chancellor. Please email suggestions for additional steps to Elise.
Accessible Web Pages
Linda Raney has requested that the ITPG or other appropriate group review a document on requirements for Accessible Web Pages. Initial comments from a faculty member were that it could be difficult for departments to comply with providing video and audio transcripts of their content. It was decided that the campus web designers would be a more appropriate group to review this document. Please send Elise names of campus web designers for inclusion in a possible new mailing list for this purpose. (NB: It was determined that an existing mailing list, ucsb-web, with 50 members, would be used for the review of this document.)
KaZaA Brilliant Digital
Currently KaZaA is taking up 3.3% to 4.8% of our off-campus traffic. The consensus was that it interferes with work and is an inappropriate use of bandwidth. It also allows commercial use of University resources, and the use of this program might be considered a violation of the ECP. Filtering by port number might be one way to block this program. Elise is to verify with UC General Counsel whether the new EULA which trades free stuff for being able to sell use of campus resources by Brilliant Digital is a violation of the ECP. (NB: Ross Stapleton-Gray, UCOP Information Security Officer, is developing a formal memo on this issue.)
Electronics Communication Policy (ECP)
Several departments have run into issues accessing the electronic data of departing staff. In one case it was suggested that departing employees turn over their passwords to their computer accounts and email as well as their voice mail password. It is our understanding that giving out voicemail passwords is a violation of the federal wiretapping laws. There was a lot of feedback, but no clear position when the Communications Planning Group (CPG) was queried on this topic. Regarding access to computer data files and email, the latest guidelines indicate that a new hire should be informed about the ECP at initial hire. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to provide the policies, and the employee’s responsibility to know them. An additional strategy could be to have files should be shared as much as feasible. A sample check in/check out list will be forthcoming. (NB: Glenn Davis sent his New Employee Checklist to the mailing list. The LSIT Separation Checklist (xls) and UCSB ECP Implementation Guidelines are available online.
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