Present: Arlene Allen, Eric Brody, Larry Carver,
Glenn Davis, Bill Doering, George Gregg, Elise Meyer, Bruce Miller, Alan
Moses, Joan Murdoch, Deborah Scott, Vince Sefcik, John Vasi, Dayna Williamson
The group was introduced to Larry Carver, Director,
Map & Imagery Laboratory (who will be filling in for John Vasi when
he retires this summer) and Dayna Williamson, Compensation Manager.
Auth/Dir presented a handout detailing the current
and upcoming projects related to the UCSB Directory. Notably, students
are now included, NFR flags are respected and routines to purge entries
when people retire or graduate are in progress. It was suggested
that we might want to differentiate between directory searches and authentication
of remote services in the treatment of NFR flags. If you fail to
find someone in the directory whom you know is a student or an employee,
please send a note to Arlene Allen at IS&C.
Implementation of new hardware to support the
UCSB Directory proceeds. The SSL interface for system authentication
is also working and C code is available for those wishing to implement.
We are encouraging people to update their entries
online in preparation for printing the Campus (paper) Directory from the
UCSB (LDAP) Directory.
The NGB project continues with preparation of
28 sites. Redundant physical fiber links are now in place.
Intrabuilding Wiring project continues with estimates
in progress. Previously submitted requests are still on the
list. Some have been funded and some are waiting for prioritization
for next year. Ask Elise Meyer
for status.
Elise and Dayna reported on the UC Recruiting
& Retention Workshop conducted in January. Handouts included
a survey of UCSB IT managers that was input to the workshop, notes from
a presentation by Robin Suess, IBM Director of Talent, and an example of
an exit interview used by UC Berkeley.
The possibility of doing exit interviews either
in HR or in the unit was discussed at length. A major concern is
what to do with the data, given that it is likely to show what we already
know and have already reported in other formats (i.e., IT salaries lag
industry, UCSB IT staff ratios lag other campuses and workloads are too
heavy and too technically diverse). Nevertheless, experience has
shown that other variables are also important (e.g., challenging work,
casual dress, flexible schedules, work/life balance, work environment and
relationship with peers, supervisors and managers). Surveys might
help justify increases to upper management and might tell us how best to
utilize any new funding that might become available. In summary,
the group saw value in the process. The group advised that a differentiation
between regrettable and not-so-regrettable exits should be made and that
an opportunity for free form input (rather than rating scales ) should
be provided on surveys.
The energy crises was noted and its impact on
next year's budget contemplated.
Decisions on anti virus software were reviewed
in light of recent TAS negotiations. In short, we decided to stay
with Norton and chose not to buy licenses for all students. Joan
Murdoch agreed to ask Laurice Kennel to clarify our current position -
are we going to renew our campus agreement or participate in the latest
UC deal? (Laurice reports that she has contacted our reseller
and the price per copy appears to be much better with the campus agreement
than with the TAS deal. Consequently, she will begin passing the
hat in hopes of reaching the 7500 level and keeping the price in line with
previous acquisitions.)
As the meeting wound down, someone asked about
IT plans for the proposed Student Services building. However, those
most likely to know had already left so this will have to be topic for
a future meeting.
The next ITPG meeting will be held on Thursday,
May 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Mary Cheadle Room of the Library. The
June meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14, same time and place.
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