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ITPG Meeting Minutes March 28, 2002


Present: Mark Aldenderfer, Arlene Allen, Smiti Anand, Polly Bustillos, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Deborah Dawiki, Ann Dundon, George Gregg, Tony Lawton, Tom Marazita, Ed Mehlschau, Elise Meyer, Bruce Miller, Alan Moses, Mike Oliva, Saturnino Doctor, Jan Smith, Chris Sneathen, Jamie Sonsini, Craig Welsh


UCOP’s efforts regarding the NBA Enabling Technology currently involve two RFPs. The first priority is a system-wide RFP for a Web Portal/Content Management System and the second priority is a system-wide RFP for Authorization Software. The Authorization RFP originated at UCSB but has since been edited by a system-wide group. The current draft will be made available on the listserv for review. There will be a conference call on 4/1/02 to provide feedback. The Content Management System would be used on a voluntary basis by those campuses that desire to use it. The question was raised as to whose content would be included and why it should be used. The genesis for the Web Portal/Content Management System was the New Business Architecture and UCSD’s Business focused blink.ucsd.edu was the prototype. However it had been mentioned at a recent JOG meeting that it could also be used for Instructional content, although this was not a topic at the recent Course Management meeting.

Screenshots were distributed picturing the new web interface for the UCSB Directory Service. New features include an easier login process, additional anonymous searches and new popup help windows. The new anonymous searches are by Email Address, Department Name or Title. The Department Name search selects entries based on the self-edited fields for department information, e.g., “Information Systems & Computing”. Directory searchers who also login will also be able to search via the PPS unit code, e.g., “CCTR”. This new web interface is part of the project to move LDAP from Unix to Windows/2000. The software development is done and the hardware is on order, it was estimated that the new system would go into production within a month. Please email feedback to Arlene.


There was a detailed presentation on ONI at the 3/12/02 BEG meeting. The biggest cost of the project is for the “last mile” between the ONI hub site and the campus. Upgrading our existing route down Los Carneros will cost $268K and constructing a new route via El Colegio will cost approximately $1.3M. All UC campuses are submitting their last mile proposals and cost estimates to UCOP, which will then review the entire project and hopefully finance all of the last mile construction over the next 10 years. A conference call is scheduled for 4/2/02, at which time more information will be available. CENIC’s CalREN-2 contract with PacBell expires in early December 2002, so ONI will need to be up for testing by early October 2002. To meet this timeline, it is necessary to start work on the Los Carneros route upgrade next week, with a completion date of July 31, 2002. If we are to commence at this point, there is the risk that the project might not be funded, although UCOP has rated our proposal as excellent. Elise will keep everyone posted on the funding status, but it was decided that UCSB should move ahead in starting the Los Carneros portion of the project immediately.

The BEG agreed to a sunset date for the FDDI backbone. All units are scheduled to be off the network by Friday, September 13, with September 30 being the shutdown date. The OIT is soliciting requirements for NGB Phase II, and none have been received so far. Please direct your comments to Kevin. Still the only problems encountered on the NGB are related to multicast, and they will be corrected with the next software update. The next BEG meeting will be April 9 at 10:00 am.

The call for this year’s IBW projects should go out soon with the understanding that at present funding is not available.

Course Management Faculty Task Force

A survey will be conducted the sixth week of the Spring quarter to assess faculty interest in course management. The survey will be administered through the Social Sciences Survey Center. The two goals of this survey are to garner grass root support and to obtain financial support from the upper administration. The EVC has already indicated support by sharing the cost of the survey. The results of the survey will be available approximately 2 weeks after the survey is conducted.

Mark reported that the UCOP-sponsored Course Management Software meeting that he attended in Oakland was a bit odd because there seemed to be considerable enthusiasm at the outset that seemed to disappear quite rapidly. He did note that every other UC campus has some sort of course management program except UCSB.

ITPG Proposal Status

The ITB community poll results on the ITPG projects were distributed, and tended to mirror the ITPG poll results, with the exception of #17, Open Access Library. More discussion is to come.

Larry L. Sautter Award

A flyer was passed around announcing the Larry Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Technology (available at http://www.ucop.edu/irc/jog/sautter/) . The award is given to those who demonstrate the best IT practices and exhibit innovation and entrepreneurship. The award is open to all faculty and staff on all campuses and labs. The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2002. Please contact Glenn for more information.


This year there will be a Poster Session for communicating campus projects and initiatives rather than the traditional campus reports. Each campus should create at least 3 posters picturing campus IT projects. A description of the concept is available at http://uccsc.berkeley.edu/reports.html. Please contact Elise if you have ideas for a poster or projects that should be displayed.

Spring Quarter meetings for the ITPG should already be on Corporate Time calendars for April 25, May 23, and June 17, from 10:00 to noon, locations to be announced (NB: All meetings will be in the Mary Cheadle Room, 3591 Library).

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