Present: Arlene Allen, Larry Carver, Chris Dempsey, William Doering, Doug Drury, George Gregg, Bill Koseluk, Shea Lovan, Mark McGilvray, Jennifer Mehl, Elise Meyer, George Michaels, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Stan Nicholson, Mike Oliva, Dan Ringwald, Fuzzy Rogers, Deborah Scott, Jan Smith, Chris Sneathen, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
IBW Projects/Proposal Discussion
The estimated cost of the 23 submitted but unfunded IBW projects is $1.4M, consisting of project management staff, known estimates on 14 projects, swag on 9 projects, and a 10% contingency. The question was raised about how the IBW project should be treated in this current process. On the one hand, in our last proposal process, the IBW project was highly ranked in the voting. And it is still considered an important operational responsibility of the OIT. On the other hand there might be value in ranking it against the current set of proposals. IBW is also a good example of how a proposal might be broken into separate pieces for funding, since it really consists of stand-alone projects. It was also questioned whether fiber support should be included in the current project. People felt that fiber support was really part of the bigger network funding model issue, and that IBW progress should not be slowed by the debate that would be required for the network funding model. The result of the discussion was that the IBW project should not be included in the current crop of proposals, but instead a funding request in parallel to the ITPG proposals should go forward as a $500K/year ongoing request.
ITPG Proposals Determination
The following proposals would be considered together for funding. These proposals could detail specific solutions to their problems. Final proposals should be submitted to the mailing list by April 16 for review prior to the next meeting on April 22.
- Course Management – Stan Nicholson
- Licensing Support – Matt Dunham
- Centralized Credit Card Processing – Chris Dempsey
- Student Data in the Data Warehouse – Chris Dempsey, Deborah Scott
- Portal – Deborah Scott
- GUS Funding – Fuzzy Rogers
- Student Computing – Deborah Scott, Bill Koseluk
The following proposals would be considered together for funding for further study. Costs should include estimates of campus staff time required to do the research.
- Persistent Archive (combined with Media Repository) - Alan Moses, Larry Carver
- Commodity Services – Chris Dempsey
- Data Modeling – Chris Dempsey
- New Business Architecture – Deborah Scott
- Protection and Use of Valued Electronic Information – Bill Doering, Larry Carver
The following projects were dropped from consideration at this time.
- Classroom Technology – Bill Koseluk. Dropped because of the EVC's Task Group on Classroom Utilization, which will address matching classroom capabilities with instructor needs.
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