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ITPG Meeting Minutes March 10, 2006


Present: Arlene Allen, Kirk Grier, Alan Moses, Jamie Sonsini, Fuzzy Rogers, Glenn Schiferl, George Gregg, Brian Reynolds, Elise Meyer, Tom Lawton, Chris Sneathen, Shea Lovan, Larry Murdock, Mike Oliva, Jeffrey Barteet, Jim Woods, Colin Thompson, Larry Carver, Jan Smith, Paul Weakliem.

The ITPG has been tasked with putting together the description of services and the associated costs for the ITB's Infrastructure Funding Model effort. Is the ITPG structured for success for this task? It includes the following components:

  • Network: user <-> WAN
  • Security: user <-> Border
  • Identity: user <-> Federation beyond campus

The first question was whether there was any guidance from the ITB about whether the model should include end-user support staff or not. The answer is that we need to define what should be included. We decided that the next step was to put together some comparison data on staffing, and then ask the ITB whether the description of services should be done assuming full staffing or our current staffing, or something in between. One data point is the University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose staffing level is described in the Educause review, Building IT Community on Campus (pdf). Alan Moses is going to head up a "Staffing Needs" work group to put together the staffing information with a goal of presenting the information to the ITPG on March 20 and to the ITB on April 17.

We added User Support and Application Support to the components of the Infrastructure Service Model.

Following the Staffing Needs work, the group felt that the best way to proceed on the service descriptions was to have weekly ITPG meetings focused on different topics, rather than have discussion in the subcommittees and then repeat the discussion at the ITPG level again.

There was discussion of where VCR Witherell's Research CyberInfrastructure Planning Committee fits into the IT governance structure. Clarification from the EVC specified that it is advisory to VCR Witherell. There also was discussion of the Identity function that is provided at the edge.

Our next ITPG meeting will be Monday, March 20, 10:30 am-12:00 noon in 5123 Cheadle, where we will be discussing the results of the Staffing Needs work group.

Tentative weekly meetings have been scheduled for:

  • Thursday, April 6, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Monday April 10 10:00 am-12:00 noon
  • Thursday, April 20, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Thursday, April 27, 10:30 am-12:00 noon

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