NBA Update by Deborah Scott
The NBA group has met three times in this quarter, and plans to meet every two weeks through Spring quarter. The group has been focusing on creating an inventory of UCSB information systems and data sources. The NBA Mission and Goals can be seen at the NBA team website, and there is a link on the left to view the Information System Inventory that we have been assembling. The IS Inventory is a work in progress, and information about the systems is more accurate for areas where we have an active participant. If you notice that some of the systems from your area have missing or outdated information, we welcome you to join the group in defining the inventory. Contact Lubo Bojilov for more information on how to participate.
The inventory has been provided to the Enterprise Information Systems Planning Group, and they continue to ask for clarification and information about data usage, system interfaces, system useful life, so they can get a clear picture of the state of UCSB's enterprise information systems.
OIT Update by Elise Meyer
The OIT will be testing the efficacy of its draft Network Baseline Survey on a couple of buildings. Our first test building will be Bio II.
The Security Working Group will meet Wednesday, March 9, 10:00 am to noon in NH1131 to discuss network baseline anti-virus/spam/malware software.
Wireless Prototype: Infrastructure and equipment has been installed in UCEN-East. It is currently operating using a web page login. Infrastructure is being installed in Campbell Hall and being designed for UCEN-West.
VPN Status: We have worked through our initial configuration issues with the Cisco VPN client and it has recently been made available to Jamie for testing by his Flexwork Steering Committee.
Beginning 2/24/05 we went into production using a point-to-point radio link from FT to SHRC to provide both data and voice service to EAP in SHRC.
We have received good bids for the ONI-Los Carneros project and we are working toward construction sometime in April.
DECAF Update by Doug Drury
DECAF has placed the Espresso single sign-on environment into production. Currently there are three applications (Transfer of Funds, Transfer of Expense, and Purchase Order Repository) exposed in the environment. Espresso is intended to support applications targeting all UCSB affiliation groups (student, non-student, etc). We are currently evaluating participating requirements and approaches to common look and feel. Next actions include resolution of participation requirements and moving forward with additional member applications.
BITS Update by Elise Meyer
Here is the update from the Budget IT Subcommittee.
We are still waiting to hear whether UCOP approves classifying our new CIO position at the level that we want. The approval process can take as long as 3 months.
The RFP for a search firm has been released. I don't have a date for when responses are due back.
There has been great progress with the new peer committees of the ITPG. The Enterprise Information Systems Planning Group (EISPG) has been formed and began meeting on 1/21/05. Its membership consists of the following.
- Betty Huff (Chair), Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
- Jody Kaufman, Executive Director for Academic Affairs, Office of EVC
- Arlene Allen, Acting Director, Information Systems and Computing
- Jim Corkill, Associate Director, Accounting Services and Controls
- Steve Velasco, Director, Institutional Research
- Chris Dempsey, Director, Information Services, Graduate Division
- Eric Sonquist, Director, Finance and Administration, Institutional Advancement
- Gail McClenney, Associate University Librarian, Library
- Louise Moore, Executive Director, Office of Research
- Deborah Scott, Director, Student Information Systems and Technology
- Bill McTague, Director, Resource Planning, Student Affairs
- Matthew Dunham, Computer Manager, Instructional Computing
- Joel Michaelsen, Professor, Geography and Vice Chair Academic Senate
- Al Wyner, Dean, Undergraduate Studies, College of Letters and Science
- Elise Meyer, Associate Director, Office of Information Technology
- Chris Allen, Business Officer, Sociology
- Maureen Evans, Management Services Officer, Materials Research Laboratory
EVC Gene Lucas gave the EISPG the short-term goal of looking at the scope of the enterprise systems on campus and identifying costs to implement new systems that meet the needs of the campus. The EISPG is reviewing the list of enterprise systems which is maintained by the NBA working group, and is working through the senior officers to make sure that all enterprise systems have representatives on the NBA.
The Academic Technology Planning Group (ATPG) has been formed, but has not yet met. Its membership is as follows.
- Aaron Ettenberg (Chair), Provost, College of Letters and Sciences
- David Marshall, Dean, Humanities & Fine Arts
- Melvin Oliver, Dean, Social Sciences
- Martin Moskovits, Dean, Math, Life & Physical Sciences
- Michael Doherty Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Peter Cappello, Professor, Computer Science
- James Frew, Associate Professor, Bren School
- Gale Morrison, Professor, Education
- John Gerig, Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Eve Darian-Smith, Professor, Law & Society
- Sarah Pritchard, University Librarian, Library
- Mark Aldenderfer, Director, Office of Information Technology
- Mark Schildhauer, Director of Computing, NCEAS
- Ron Tobin, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Programs
Ex officio members:
- Anna Everett, Professor, Film Studies
- Art Battson, Director, Instructional Resources
- Bill Koseluk Director, Instructional Computing
- Alan Moses, Technical Coordinator, L&S
- Marilyn Moody, Associate University Librarian
- Tom Marazita, Director, ECI
- Bill Doering, Director of IT, GGSE
Student representatives are being requested from AS and GSA.
Back to ITPG Meeting Minutes 2/28/05