Present: Arlene Allen, Eric Brody, Larry Carver, Glenn Davis, Bill Doering, Doug Drury, Matthew Dunham, Rick Johnson, Bill Koseluk, Tom Lawton, Shea Lovan, Elise Meyer, Alan Moses, Joan Murdoch, Stan Nicholson, Michael Oliva, Fuzzy Rogers, Jan Smith, Chris Sneathen, Paul Valenzuela, Paul Weakliem, Craig Welsh
Laboratory Operations Advisory Group
It was announced that the new-and-improved lab inventory and services survey for 2002 will actually happen this spring. The committee will reconvene, but much of the action will be footwork, collections, etc. Costs have changed in software and hardware, as have our inventories. We should expect to see different numbers from before.
There was a UC-wide meeting on the New Business Architecture. Davis was the only campus not represented. UCSB seems to be right on track. UCOP requested to take UCSB’S Authorization Software RFQ and go with it for the April 11 Vice Chancellor’s meetings. All campuses are more than happy to participate; UCLA, however, wants to design their own system. Overall the response is very positive. Suggestions on this topic are welcome and should be sent to Arlene. Remember that there is a very short time frame to consider.
Report from ITB Meeting
There was lively discussion in the ITB over the proposals. They expressed appreciation for the effort and expertise of ITPG in putting together these proposals, and they recognize the importance of ITPG. The ITB will also do a CommunityPoll survey with questions identical to the ITPG survey as well as questions about general categories. The possibility of another ITPG survey on the general categories identical to the new part of the ITB survey was discussed, but discarded. There will be another ITB meeting to discuss the results of their survey. The ITB results and ITPG results will be forwarded to Mark Aldenderfer, who will with collaboration then assemble a prioritized list to present to the EVC for budgetary consideration for next fiscal year.
Yahoo Internet Life – Most Wired Colleges Survey
Results from the latest Yahoo Internet Life Most Wired Colleges survey have been published. UCSB is ranked #112, with a C+ for infrastructure.
Cisco Equipment Donation Opportunity
Bob Garcia noted that there is a potential opportunity through Development for UCSB to receive some donated Cisco equipment. OIT & Alan Moses are working on lists of needs and possible equipment donations.
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