Proposed for Funding
The following proposals would be considered together for funding. These proposals could detail specific solutions to their problems.
1. Campus Course Management System
Problem: UCSB has no campus-wide course management system to provide basic
functionality to all faculty and advanced functionality and integration for
cutting edge faculty.
Solution: Evaluate and then implement SAKAI as a campus-wide course
management system.
2. Software Licensing Support
Problem: Software License management is a core element of campus IT infrastructure that is currently unfunded; without funding the current service may be terminated in response to budget cuts, resulting in a significant increase in software costs.
Solution: Core funding for FTE and resources necessary to provide for an Office of Software Licensing.
3. Centralized Credit Card Processing
Problem: There should be a single centralized mechanism for processing
credit card transactions via the web such as there is via card-swiping
Solution: A workgroup should be formed consisting of functional and technical
stakeholders to determine and then implement a plan of action.
4. Registration and Curriculum Data in the Data Warehouse
Problem: Student data is not easily accessible for analysis and reporting,
or for integrating with existing data warehouse data.
Solution: Integrate registration and curriculum data into the existing Data
5. Student Portal Project
Problem: Students experience inconsistent services, application delivery, and customer support.
Solution: Form a working group to define the project and develop a student web portal prototype that will be the basis for a recommendation to senior management.
6. Future GUS Support, Development, and Training Proposal
Problem: Support, development, and maintenance of the essential campus-standard
shadow accounting system (GUS) is underfunded and not sustainable.
Solution: Provide the Accounting Department with the resources to support GUS while
maintaining integral department-level involvement in the development
process through a steering committee of users and developers.
7. Funding for Open Access Resources Proposal
Problem: Open Access Computing is an essential service for students that has neither ongoing funding support nor consistent implementations across campus.
Solution: Provide permanent funding for open access facilities including 24/7 staffing, printing, and authenticated network access for wired and wireless student computers.
Proposed for Funding for Further Study
The following proposals would be considered together for funding for further study.
1. Commodity Services
Problem: IT Services with standardized basic features and protocols such as email, web, ftp, file serving and database are being provided by multiple organizations on campus.
2. New Business Architecture
Problem: No process or mechanism currently exists to insure that ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance UCSB business systems will result in an effective and integrated Information Systems environment.
3. Building a Trusted Infrastructure (pdf)
- How do we protect the integrity of valuable and confidential information as it is input, used, stored, and transferred both within the campus network and beyond?
- How do we establish sufficient confidence in a person's identity that we can grant them an appropriate level of access to computing systems or campus locations?