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Network Funding

  Project:  UCSB Network Funding Shortfall – Intra-Building Wiring Projects (IBW), Next Generation Backbone (NGB), and Wide Area Networking (WAN) (12/6/01 Draft)

Sponsor:  Office of Information Technology


The Intrabuilding Wiring Projects (IBW), Next Generation Backbone (NGB), and Wide Area Networking (WAN) initiatives are part of the OIT’s operational mission. We have received a combination of permanent and one-time funds for these initiatives. The long-term strategy for funding these initiatives is to develop a Network Funding Model that will provide for predictable annual support, and the current plan is to implement the Network Funding Model by fiscal year 2003/2004. This project is really the funding gap between what we have and what is required to fully fund these initiatives until the Network Funding Model is implemented.

Unfortunately our funding situation for these initiatives is not clear. We have some permanent funds that are allocated to specific projects, and we have received 2000/2001 Internet 2 funds in the amount of $1,645,000. We hope to receive some 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds, but given the state’s budget situation, these funds are a target for being returned to the state. The 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds are the third and final year of a UCOP sponsored request for funding to support network initiatives. Since we are uncertain how much money will be available, we are going to present four possible scenarios with different funding gaps for these initiatives.

Scenario 1: We receive no 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds, so we use our 2000/2001 Internet 2 funds to fund the WAN and IBW costs and we provide no augmentation for NGB costs.

Scenario 2: We only receive enough 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds to cover our WAN costs, so we use all of our 2000/2001 Internet 2 funds to fund IBW costs and we provide no augmentation for NGB costs.

Scenario 3: We receive $800,000 in 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds.

Scenario 4: We receive $1,300,000 in 2001/2002 Internet 2 funds.

Table 1 indicates the funding gap for each of these initiatives in this fiscal year for each scenario.

Table 1: Fiscal Year 2001/2002 – Network Funding Gap Summary
  Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
Total Internet 2 Funds 1,645,000 1,799,000 2,445,000 2,945,000
Internet 2 Funds 1,491,000 1,645,000 1,897,000 2,397,000
Funding Gap 1,795,644 1,649,344 1,409,944 934,944
Internet 2 Funds 394,000 394,000
Funding Gap 393,998 393,998 (2) (2)
Internet 2 Funds 154,000 154,000 154,000 154,000
Funding Gap (253) (253) (253) (253)
Total Funding Gap 2,189,389 2,043,089 1,409,689 934,689


In addition to the possible funding gaps in this fiscal year, there are additional projected funding gaps for the WAN and NGB initiatives for the following two fiscal years that are indicated in Table 2. Note that we have not included an additional IBW gap based on a call for Year 3 projects.

Table 2: Fiscal Year 02/03 -03/04 – Network Funding Gap Summary
  FY 02/03 FY 03/04 Total
IBW Funding Gap 390,057 222,122 612,178
WAN Funding Gap 1,030,817 168,795 1,199,612
Total Funding Gap 1,420,874 390,917 1,811,791


Forty-seven projects were submitted for consideration for funding as Year 2 IBW projects. The total estimated cost for this initiative is $3,436,944.

Under Scenario 1, we plan to complete the following projects, and our contingency would be reduced from $81,050 to $30,614.

  • 555 Marine Biotech*
  • 503 Engineering II Workstation wiring only (Total of 14% of building)
  • CCS Trailer - Interior & Exterior Wiring
  • 531 Music - Lotte Lehman Hall
  • IV Foot Patrol & Embarcadero Hall - Short Term Solution
  • 375 Trans Services, 370, 437, 439, 584, 594, 972 FM - Exterior Wiring Only
  • 465 Old Marine Lab* External connection & 10 Workstation Drops
  • 494 CCS - 3 Classrooms
  • 429 Psych Grad Facility* External Connection
  • 534 Arts - 5 Subterminals
  • 531 Music - Fiber horizontal
  • 563 Ellison - Geography South Riser
  • 569 Butler to 539 Electron Microscopy External Connection
  • 546 Woodhouse Lab - 2nd Floor only - Risers only
  • 563 Ellison - Geography 1629 A-H, P
  • 563 Ellison - Geography 3rd floor north wing
  • 560 Phelps - Geography room 3510
  • 429 Psych Grad Facility* Internal Wiring
  • 569 Butler Building/ 539 Electron Microscopy Facility/ 540 Green House*
  • 546 Woodhouse Lab - 2nd Floor only - Internal Wiring
  • 531 Music - 3 wings of offices

Under Scenario 2, we plan to complete the following additional projects, and our contingency would be reduced from $88,750 to $75,131.

  • 580 Harder Stadium - Exterior Wiring
  • 580 Harder Stadium - 14 studios & 2 offices

Under Scenario 3, we plan to complete the following additional projects.

  • 503 Engineering II Workstation wiring only (Total of 29% of building)
  • Embarcadero Hall - Fiber to IV Theatre

Under Scenario 4, we plan to complete the following additional project.

  • 503 Engineering II Workstation wiring only (Total of 80% of building)

The following projects are currently unfunded under all scenarios.

  • 503 Engineering II Workstation wiring only (Total of 100% of building)    $187,589
  • Embarcadero Hall - Fiber from IV Theatre to Embarcadero Hall    $42,055
  • 528 South Hall Grad Tower - some risers
  • 528 South Hall - Math 6600 wing
  • 408 Aquatic Biology Lab *
  • 370 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 381 Parking Services - Exterior Wiring Only
  • 437 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 439 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 507 Central Stores - Exterior Wiring Only
  • 584 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 594 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 972 Facilities Management - Interior Wiring Only
  • 479 Old Gym - 2 rooms + Exterior Wiring
  • 505 Events Center - 2 rooms + Exterior Wiring
  • 522 Caesar Uyesaka Stadium - 3 rooms + Exterior Wiring
  • 531 Music - Geiringer Hall
  • 325 Interim Marine Lab II *
  • 528 South Hall Grad Tower - 3 rooms
  • 411 Psych Research Facility *
  • 508 SW Aqua Fac
  • 582 Aviary Trailer *
  • Total Unfunded Projects    $934,944

The Next Generation Backbone Phase I upgrade that is currently underway expands our backbone network service and support and benefits 35 buildings. The benefits include the ability to increase the bandwidth to departments using cheaper interfaces, e.g., Fast Ethernet instead of FDDI; the opportunity to simplify the departmental networking infrastructure by utilizing the backbone’s centralized routing features instead of having department’s maintain their own routing equipment and expertise; more efficient use of campus backbone fiber by aggregating a building’s connections at a local building switch instead of at a distant core location. Phase II will bring these benefits to an additional 60 buildings as well as upgrade the speed of the connections to some of the initial buildings.

This initiative involves the following support of campus networking: 1) the campus connection to CalREN-2, Abilene (Internet 2), and the commercial Internet, 2) Membership to UCAID, which is a condition for our Abilene connection, 3) the maintenance and augmentation of our existing backbone network cable plant, and 4) support for the existing campus backbone.

Our contract with the vendors providing service for CalREN-2 expires in November 2002. CENIC has developed a plan for an Optical Network Infrastructure (ONI) that will replace CalREN-2. The goal for the ONI is to take advantage of unused fiber (dark fiber) and cheap wavelengths (lambdas) to provide bandwidth of 2.5 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s for the same or less cost than we are currently paying for CalREN-2 bandwidth. In addition this new California backbone would provide an additional route between the northern and southern rings along the coast that would provide UCSB with the opportunity for an additional route and connection to this backbone. However there are investments that must be made in order to achieve that goal. These investments involve “Last Mile” construction to build a second route out of campus, new campus border equipment to connect to the new backbone, and shared costs for backbone equipment. The actual costs for these items are still being researched by UCOP & CENIC, and our share of these costs and how they would be spread out over multiple fiscal years is still unknown.

Our costs for commercial Internet access depend on the amount of traffic that we send through the ISP. UC contracts our ISP service through CENIC and in the next few months they will be switching to a new funding model. With the new model and additional technical capabilities being developed for the backbone, we would have the opportunity to limit our ISP bandwidth if we WANted to control our ISP costs.

Graphs of our current bandwidth usage are available online.

How This Project Supports the Academic Mission

Campus control points submitted these projects to the OIT as being critical networking needs.

The Next Generation Backbone makes it easier and cheaper for departments to connect to a high speed backbone.

Connection to CalREN2, Internet2 and the commercial Internet are a requirement for a tier 1 research and educational institution.

Funding Source

The current funding for this initiative has been provided by three one-time allocations of “Internet 2 Funds.” The long-term funding solution is to implement a network funding model.

The current funding for this initiative has been provided by permanent funds and hopefully some of the one-time “2001/2002 Internet 2 Funds.” The long-term funding solution is to implement a network funding model.

For three years ending fiscal year 2000/2001, the Budget Office provided $309,667 to cover these costs. The Data Networking Surcharge covered ISP charges that were beyond what was budgeted. Residential Services contributes funds. This year these costs will be covered by some of the one-time Internet 2 Funds. The long-term funding solution is to implement a network funding model.


Intra-Building Wiring Projects (IBW) FY 01/02
Project Manager 57,000
Phase II Estimated Expense 17,725
Phase I Estimated Overage 117,000
Phase II Projects 3,143,869
Contingency 101,350
Total Expenses 3,436,944
00/01 Carry Forward (130,000)
Scenario 3 Internet Funds (1,897,000)
Total Appropriations (2,027,000)
Total Funding Gap 1,409,944


Next Generation Backbone (NGB) Phase II FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04
Equipment 363,570 345,451 345,451
Support 97,480 159,631 205,671
Site Preparation 80,829 82,733 80,000
Fiber Construction 363,570 345,451 345,451
FDDI 366,667 183,333
15% Contingency (Site & Fiber) 1,905
Total Expenses 977,575 811,058 643,122
15% Permanent Funds (421,000) (421,000) (421,000)
Carry Forward (162,577) (2)
Scenario 3 or 4 Internet 2 Funds (394,000)
Total Appropriations (977,577) (421,002) (421,000)
Total Funding Gap (2) (390,057) (222,122)


Wide Area Network (WAN) FY 01/02 FY 02/03 FY 03/04
CalREN-2 Charges from UCOP 140,000 23,333
UCAID (Internet2) Membership 25,000 25,000 25,000
Abilene Membership 20,000 20,000 20,000
UCNet ISP Charges from UCOP 57,371 63,108 69,419
Network Augmentation 67,296 67,296 67,296
ONI – Bandwidth 140,000 140,000
ONI – Last Mile 548,000 3,000
ONI – Campus Equipment 300,000;
ONI – Backbone Equipment ?
Total Expenses 977,575 1,186,737 324,715
15% ResNet Contribution (25,920) (25,920) (25,920)
Permanent Funds (130,000) (130,000) (130,000)
Internet 2 Funds (154,000)
Total Appropriations (309,920) (155,920) (155,920)
Total Funding Gap (253) 1,030,817 168,795


At the end of November 2001, the CENIC board endorsed starting negotiations with an ONI vendor on the basis of ballpark figures for last mile and operational expenses. The total UC estimated one-time construction cost is $4.7M and there was a reference to UCSB’s individual cost of $100K (but we haven’t participated in any cost estimates for this.) Our cost for this construction could be between $100K and $470K. An additional cost was identified as annual maintenance of the fiber and our cost was indicated as $3K/year. And finally there was a cost of $75K for gigabit interfaces which we believe is related to Last Mile, not Campus Equipment. The ONI Last Mile cost estimate has been adjusted from $250K to $548K to reflect the most conservative estimates. These estimates will continue to be refined as we learn more about the architecture and equipment requirements.

Matching Opportunities

We don’t know if UCOP will submit another request for networking funds for fiscal year 2002/2003, nor do we know if the economy would support such a request.

Staff Support Required

No additional staff required for any of the initiatives.

Existing Resources to Be Used

The existing Intrabuilding Wiring Project manager.

The existing 2.5 FTE plus an additional 1.0 FTE currently being recruited.

Part of an existing 1.0 FTE.

Project Timeline

These projects will occur during fiscal years 2001/2002 and 2002/2003.

We plan to build out NGB Phase II over three years, fiscal year 2001/2002 through 2003/2004. Year 1 includes 2/3 of the fiber infrastructure construction, and 1/3 of the equipment purchases, Year 2 would complete the final 1/3 of the fiber infrastructure and include another 1/3 of equipment purchases and Year 3 would complete the final 1/3 of equipment purchases.

These costs are annual on-going expenses.

Life Cycle of Result

Projects to re-wire full buildings are intended to last 10 years, all other projects will have a shorter life cycle.

Our RFP required that 3 years support for this equipment, which ends December 2003.

Not applicable.

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