Project: Evaluation of Web-based Course Development, Management, and Delivery Technologies for UCSB
Sponsor: Office of Information Technology but with broad campus consultation
Although a number of units on campus have been involved in efforts to develop innovative web-based tools for course development, delivery and management, it remains the case that there is no campus-wide solution to this problem. The OIT feels it is time to explore this issue more fully, and to develop specific recommendations concerning the implementation of a campus-wide course delivery and management system. Although this will necessarily involve the acquisition of a technical solution (i.e. the development or purchase of software and the deployment of resources to support the system), the focus of this exploration should begin with a consideration of the learning and teaching goals of the faculty. Technical solutions must then be crafted to meet these goals. There should thus be significant faculty input into this process. OIT proposes that a faculty-composed task force be created to make specific recommendations regarding level of faculty interest, type of product desired, and costs of product (including acquisition, staffing, training, and maintenance). These recommendations will be forwarded to the ITB, and ultimately, to the senior officers, for action following a period of campus-wide consultation.
How This Project Supports the Academic Mission
The OIT will create a task force composed of faculty and selected staff to evaluate how a campus-wide web-based course development, management, and delivery system can be implemented at UCSB. The task force will be charged with developing specific recommendations for the selection of such a system. This will necessarily involve comparison of existing commercial products, but should also include discussion of the full range of existing campus resources that provide assistance to faculty, and how these solutions can be optimally combined with any new service. This will necessarily include a full discussion where this new service will be placed (i.e. the authority or unit that will supervise the operation of the system. The task force will consult with Academic Senate committees that oversee information technology and teaching enhancements. The task force will also be directed at gauging level of faculty interest in the deployment of these products, and how that demand may be best satisfied. Finally, the task force will be charged with developing a robust statement of the full costs of the deployment of this system. This will necessarily include estimates of the costs of acquisition, staffing, and maintenance as well as faculty and staff training in the use of the system.
Funding Source
No resources aside from faculty and staff time are presently required. OIT will provide staff support for activities of the task force, and will serve as the contact point for vendors who have been asked to demonstrate their products on campus. Depending on task force activities, it may prove necessary, for instance, to develop a questionnaire to be delivered to faculty to gauge their level of awareness and interest in such products. OIT staff will consult with the appropriate parties to investigate this.
Project Timeline
We would like to see an initial set of recommendations offered to the campus by the end of this academic year. Deployment of a system will be contingent upon funding.
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