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ITPG 2001 Proposals


Note that the proposals for Software Depot, OIT Networking, Open Access and Wireless have been split into component parts or phases for voting purposes. The links below, however, all point to the proposals in their original formats, so some of the links point to the same proposal and you have to look within for the definitions of the individual components.

Note also that we decided in our discussion that the “Unfunded IUC Projects” proposal might better be presented as context information in the introductory material that goes forward with the results of our voting. Nevertheless, it is included here to complete the set and present the background to our discussion.

1. UCSB Directory Staff

Adds one FTE to Computer Center staff to support UCSB Directory platform, database, feeder programs and web interfaces.

2. Authorization Software Package

Requests one-time funding for acquisition of software to support attribute fields in the UCSB Directory for the purpose of authorization. Also provides automatic authorization for web servers and single-sign-on for users.

3. Web Resources Integration Staff

Adds one FTE to an unspecified department to coordinate the development of middleware and a campus web portal.

4. Web Middleware/Portal Services (hardware, software & staff)

Provides funding for hardware, software and staff to implement middleware and portal services following plans coordinated by person in #3 above.

5. External Review of Technology Issues

Calls for an external review of the feasibility of the current ITPG proposals that have significant funding impacts and are considered high priority unfunded campus needs. The scope of the review would cover underlying assumptions, dependencies and possible organizational impediments to the success of each proposal.

6. Long-term Digital Information Archive Study

Proposes a workshop and a working group to explore the collections of campus research and teaching materials and the available services appropriate for secure, reliable, long-term digital storage.

7. Unfunded IUC Projects

Sets the context for the current group of ITPG proposals recognizing that there are also many concurrent needs for funding to support college, divisional, departmental and individual faculty IT projects.

8. Evaluation of Course Development, Management & Delivery Technologies

Creates a task force of faculty and selected staff to evaluate how a campus-wide Web-based course development, management and delivery system can be implemented at UCSB.

9. Software Depot Order Management System (Phase One)

Requests one FTE to first enhance Software Depot’s online shopping and order management system and then support the service at Phase One level.

10. Software Depot Staff (Phase Two)

Adds a second FTE to expand Software Depot into a campus Office of Software Licensing. Adds services for management of software licensing, financing, purchasing, record keeping and coordination.

11. Intra-Building Wiring (IBW)

Continues the wiring of campus buildings by providing funding to fill gaps in Internet 2 funding.

12. New Generation Backbone (NGB)

Extend NGB to 60 additional buildings and upgrade the speed of some of the initial building connections.

13. Wide Area Networking (WAN)

Supports campus connections to CalREN-2, Abilene (Internet-2) and the commercial Internet. Includes membership in UCAID, maintenance and augmentation of the campus cable plant and installation of “last mile” fiber necessary to participate in the Optical Network Initiative proposed by UCOP.

14. Open Access System Administrator (& Netstation) Staff

Adds one career FTE to Instructional Computing to support existing Open Access facilities and Netstations and to supervise the additional staff requested in proposals 15 through 17 below.

15. Open Access Phelps/Kerr Staff

Adds .25 FTE General Assistance staff to monitor and support the Phelps/Kerr Open Access facilities.

16. Open Access Embarcadero Hall Staff

Adds .25 FTE General Assistance staff to IC to allow support for proposed Open Access facility in Isla Vista.

17. Open Access Library (24 hours) Staff

Adds .25 General Assistance staff to IC to allow support for an extension of Library Open Access hours of operation.

18. Wireless RF Survey

Requests one-time funding to acquire an RF spectrum analyzer and wireless survey/mapping software and to provide labor to survey and document wireless activity at UCSB.

19. Wireless Prototype

Requests one-time funding to acquire and implement a pilot wireless data network with seven access points and twenty network interface cards.

20. Laptops for Departmental Checkout

Requests funding to establish a pool of Laptop computers to be checked out to individual departments on a quarterly basis for classroom display purposes.

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