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Undergraduate Email Service


Report and Recommendations

The Campus Network Committee (CNC) was charged with developing a plan for providing undergraduate access to email and other Internet services for UCSB's 16,000 undergraduate students. In February, 1996, the CNC formed the CNC-Email Committee to pursue this effort. This report encompasses a significant portion of that charge, and contains recommendations pertaining to providing email service and support. Access to other Internet services, presumably via augmented public access stations (e.g., Netstations), will be addressed in a subsequent report.

This report describes problems with the existing email system, efforts made to identify solutions, and the committee's recommendation.

Problem Description

The existing email system is operated by the Microcomputer Lab (MCL). It has notable deficiencies in hardware, staffing, and physical space.

In the current email model, undergraduates have an account on a computer at the MCL. They use the "telnet" program to log in to the server. At this point they may access their email, engage in "talk" sessions, read Usenet (Internet) news, and use other miscellaneous services as they are available. The MCL computer is a host (server) for the telnet sessions. It also runs the Pine email program. When a message is sent or received, it must run "sendmail" to exchange messages with other computer systems. All the workload is focused on one machine.

Problems with this model include:

  • The current server hardware (a Hewlett-Packard 735) cannot support more than approximately 130 concurrent users, at which time access is denied to additional users. This happens on an almost daily basis.
  • Only one staff member handles system administration tasks, and that is only a portion of his job responsibilities. Student consultants and system administrators help fill the gaps, but the lack of adequate staffing has delayed response times for a variety of service and performance issues. System documentation is nearly non-existent due to staff turnover.
  • Improper and inadequate physical space has also taken its toll. The email server failed during "dead week" one quarter due to overheating. It took days to get a replacement for the failed part because there wasn't a maintenance contract.
  • The existing system does not provide some desirable features for academic use, such as simple document attachments, online address books, shared mail folders, etc. Many of these features are difficult to provide in the character-based (non-graphical) environment provided by telnet.

The MCL has not been in a position to address these issues because it did not receive funding to implement the service or to handle its subsequent growth.

Committee Membership

The CNC-Email committee membership has broad-based representation of faculty, staff, and students from a variety of academic departments and administrative units. Weekly meetings were held beginning February 22, 1996.

Problem Resolution Process

The committee began by developing a requirements list. Over the course of several years preceding the formation of this committee, Jamie Sonsini (Information Systems and Computing) led an effort by various campus technical staff to develop a set of email goals and requirements. Using this work as a starting point, the committee updated some requirements and refined the criteria to better meet the needs of the undergraduate population. The completed requirements list has approximately 60 items, including various required and desirable features for the client, server, network protocols, and directory services. This requirements list became the basis for product research and comparison.

The research and evaluation of email products was handled as follows:

  1. The requirements list was too long to allow a detailed comparison with each product on the market, so a subset (the "basic six") was used to pre-screen potential candidates. The basic requirements included:
    • Multiple-platform client support
    • TCP/IP support
    • SMTP support
    • MIME support
    • Server-based mail storage and management
    • No remote file system mounts (client/server preferred)
  2. Potential products were identified through research at conferences, industry trade shows, library searches, and a survey of other institutions.
  3. Products that met the "basic six" requirements were then given a cursory evaluation against the complete requirements list. If they still appeared applicable, a vendor presentation was scheduled.
  4. After the above steps, two products were considered viable candidates. One was OpenMail, from Hewlett-Packard, and the other was Simeon, from Esys. These products were subjected to detailed testing and evaluation against the requirements list.
  5. A vote was held and Simeon was selected (12 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions).

Products were evaluated based upon their shipping version on May 23, 1996. This was necessary because product development and market changes are rapid in this field.

Technologies and Benefits

In addition to the "basic six," many other features were listed as desirable and several technologies came to the committee's attention. Because these technologies will be referenced later in this document, an overview is in order.

For several years there have been "POP" (Post Office Protocol) email client programs. They connect to a POP server, which is a program that runs on the machine where email is received and stored. After connecting to the POP server, the POP client retrieves the user's email and displays it on the local computer. POP clients are helpful because they typically are graphical, readily support document attachment, and reduce server load by having very brief connections. While POP works well for message retrieval, it does not offer any server-based message management. In a mobile undergraduate population, it would be helpful if one could read email from multiple locations without its disappearing from the server. Dial-up support could also be improved, if only to avoid retrieving a large attachment via a slow modem connection.

The answer to POP's limitations can be found in IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). IMAP allows messages to remain on the server in user-managed folders. It can recognize attachments within messages, so the client may retrieve only those parts of the message the user is interested in. It also supports shared mailboxes, which can be created and shared among arbitrary users.

IMAP sets the stage for mobile students. They could consistently access their email at home and on campus. However, there is still a need for client configuration information. If a student walks up to a Netstation, it should be simple for her/him to configure the client software.

IMSP (Internet Message Support Protocol) provides configuration and address book services. Email software that uses IMSP can retrieve configuration information from an IMSP server. This allows students to read email at home, then use it on campus and still retain their interface environment (e.g., window positioning, folder names, signature information, address books).

Another useful standard is LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). It allows access to on-line directory services. This can be used to publish email addresses, phone numbers, and other data. There are security mechanisms to limit visibility of data in the LDAP service.

Although not specifically required, these protocols clearly met the needs of our requirements list. Because they are open, published Internet standards, they have been embraced by a variety of major software companies including Apple, Microsoft, and Netscape. This is particularly true for IMAP. We expect that maintaining compliance with open standards will allow server and client software evolution without significant impact to users.


Our recommendation is to use IMAP for client-server mail transfers, with POP as an acknowledged transitional alternative. Simeon is the recommended graphical client, while Pine should be used for character-based access.

Directory services should be offered via LDAP. This will require coordination with the Registrar to avoid problems with disclosure laws. The LDAP service may be discontinued should a suitable X500 directory service become available.

IMSP should be implemented to provide configuration portability and address books to Simeon clients. A set of undergraduate address books should be generated from the LDAP directory.

Email support services should be available from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. Support should be provided via email, telephone, web-based and paper documentation, a help desk, and training classes.

A minimum of 1,000 concurrent IMAP clients should be supported, as well as at least 150 telnet clients. The current 1 megabyte disk quota per user should be raised to 5 megabytes to facilitate document exchange.

The email service should be administered in the Microcomputer Lab. It has experience providing undergraduate email, suitable training facilities, and a pool of student staff from which the help desk staff may be drawn.

A review should be conducted of the other (non-email) Internet services used by students. "Talk," for example, is relatively low impact, but is not specifically addressed by this recommendation.

The CNC-Info committee should develop "acceptable use" and account management policies for the undergraduate email system.

Implementation Details

The following costs and implementation information comprise a recommended configuration. Separate documentation provides a more detailed cost breakdown. If, at implementation time, hardware changes would result in equivalent or better service at a reduced cost, that should be pursued and the balance returned to the funding organization.

Expense Category Acquisition Cost Estimated Tax* Annual Cost
Site Preparation $62,986.00 $1643.00  
Network Router and Switch $34,878.88 $2703.11 $3814.35
Hewlett-Packard Server $62,276.35 $4744.12 $9341.45
Sun Server $150,522.00 $11,665.45 $8113.08
Backup Power $7056.00 $546.84  
Hardware Replacement     $50,946.65
Simeon Email Software $114,660.00 $8,886.15 $20,250.00
Staff     $192,020.00
Supplies and Expenses     $27,140.00
Totals $334,514.35 $30,218.68 $307,811.18

*Estimated taxes calculated at 7.75% of taxable items.

First year costs are the combined total of acquisition, annual costs, and applicable taxes. Career staff costs are assumed to be 19900 funds, and would increase to accommodate benefits if non-19900 funds are allocated.

Site Preparation

Site preparation costs were estimated based upon the use of Phelps 1508 and may vary greatly at other locations. This provides adequate physical space for personnel and equipment, including necessary furniture, security, electricity, and telephones.

Network Router and Switch

The Microcomputer Lab should upgrade its campus network connection to a direct FDDI because its current connection is inadequate for large numbers of remote users. This will necessitate a new router. To improve throughput between the server hardware, MCL networks, and the campus network, switches should be implemented. As with all critical services, rapid-response maintenance contracts or readily available spares should be maintained.

Hewlett-Packard Server

(The HP K220 described below has already been purchased and installed by MCL.)

An HP K220 with 512MB of memory and 20GB of disk storage can be used to provide an "access point" for email services. Users may telnet to this system to access email using Pine. Since the Simeon client supports Usenet news, Usenet news should also be available on this system for consistency. No other services should be provided, as they are not supported and would detract from the performance of this server in its email role.

Sun Server

A Sun Enterprise 3000 with 2GB of memory and 126GB of disk can act as the IMAP, IMSP, and LDAP server. (Configuration sizing parameters came from the Simeon System Administration Guide.) No user logins should be allowed for security reasons. The internal disks should be configured as mirrored swap and operating system partitions. The external disks should be set up in a RAID configuration that allows for hot-swapping of failed drives. Nightly incremental backups should be performed.

Backup Power

Backup power is specified for the network and server hardware. This will allow a minimum of 20 minutes for proper automated system shutdown during a power failure.

Simeon Email Software

Esys pricing (see attached quote) will provide a Simeon site license to UCSB. Anyone conducting academic business with UCSB is covered by this license. Installation assistance and initial training are also provided. Esys provides the Simeon client and the IMAP and IMSP servers. An LDAP server is freely available from University of Michigan.

See the Usenix LISA X conference paper, "How to Get There From Here: Scaling the Enterprise-Wide Mail Infrastructure," for possible implementation issues.


There are three staff positions involved in this service: Email Administrator (Assistant Director of a Functional Unit), Systems Administrator (Programmer/Analyst III), and Customer Support Manager (Programmer/Analyst II). There are also approximately 100 hours of student staff time per week. Ongoing cross-training will allow for sick leave and vacation coverage.

The Email Administrator (EA) supervises the Systems Administrator and Customer Support Manager, and reports to the director of the Microcomputer Lab. The EA is the lead technical person, and would participate in campus coordination and development efforts related to this project. The EA is expected to carry a pager for emergency off-hours response to system failures.

The Systems Administrator (SA) handles daily server operational issues. This includes system backups, disaster recovery procedure development, security audits, patch installation, software update installations, throughput testing, and emergency off-hours response to system failures. Coordination with the Customer Support Manager will be necessary to ensure proper deployment of new client software releases. A pager is appropriate for this person.

The Customer Support Manager is responsible for all aspects of undergraduate email training and support. This includes development and maintenance of training documents, handouts, and help-desk procedures, as well as scheduling of training classes, supervision of student help-desk staff, and response to postmaster email.

Student staff would also be hired. Qualified students can be recruited from the MCL consultant pool to provide help-desk support and training classes. They would operate under the direction and supervision of the Customer Support Manager. Sufficient hours have been budgeted to allow the necessary support hours, as well as over 50 training classes per year.

Please note that we consulted with Gartner Group, a private consulting firm, and they recommended one "mail system administrator" per Unix server platform. In addition, a system administrator and help-desk staff were suggested. We believe our division of responsibilities will be adequate for the task. We are not recommending quite the level of staffing recommended by Gartner Group because the academic environment is not directly comparable to their typical commercial environment. See the attached "Gartner on Email for Undergraduates" document for more details.


The CNC-Email committee is pleased to present this report, and expects that an implementation of its recommendations will provide the following benefits:

  • Greater access to email. The system will accommodate a minimum of 1,000 simultaneous IMAP connections and at least 150 telnet connections. Access would exist via graphical and character-based interfaces.
  • Improved reliability. Proper facilities, maintenance contracts, and adequate support staff will reduce failures and permit rapid response to down times.
  • Greater support. Support would be provided via training classes, email, web and paper documentation. A phone and walk-up "help desk" would also be implemented. These support services would be available on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
  • Migration path. The current email program, "Pine," can be used with the Simeon email server because they both support IMAP. Incoming students would be trained on Simeon, while existing students may remain on Pine if they prefer.
  • Simplified document exchange. Documents can be easily exchanged and distributed via Simeon's graphical interface.
  • Server-based message storage. Mail could remain on the server, rather than always being transferred to the user's computer. This feature allows one to read mail at home, then see the same messages in a classroom or at a Netstation.
  • Shared folders. Arbitrary groups, such as classes, could have a shared folder for collaborative work or informational postings. The degree to which this is implemented is dependent upon the expressed needs of faculty, as well as a cooperative effort with administrative units to automate management of shared folders on a quarterly basis.
  • Directory services. The Simeon client can access electronic campus directories as they are developed. At this time, a set of address books and an LDAP server would be the likely implementation and would contain only undergraduate names and email addresses.

We look forward to continuing our work on providing improved undergraduate access to email and Internet services.

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