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Research Groups Requirement Worksheet


High Energy Physics

Data transferred:0.5 - 1000 GB
Bandwidth: 20GB/hour (=44Mb/s)
QOS: none
CalREN-2 hosts:SLAC
I2 sites: Cornell
Unicast/Multicast: unicast
Multihomed: network
Current NW: 50 hosts on shared 10Mb/s network
1/1/98 NW: Switched 100Mb/s and 10Mb/s network
Router: Xyplex Network 9000 &150; unable to handle additional high speed card
Building: Broida (adequate building fiber from basement to research group)
Application: ftp, afs
Status: ready
# Hosts: network
Notes: We also want to do video-conferencing
Contact: Lap-Yan Leung (lap@charm.physics.ucsb.edu)

RAD Proposal – Electronic Art Technology Lab

Data transferred:
Bandwidth: 5Mb/s burst, 3Mb/s sustained per user (initial 1 user per CalREN-2 site)
QOS: Mbone quality okay
Protocol/Version: IP
CalREN-2 hosts: SDSC, UCSD
I2 sites: 
Unicast/Multicast: video - multicast, some unicast
Multihomed: no
Current NW: Shared 10Mb/s network, need fiber to building
1/1/98 NW: 
Router: Cisco 2500 or AGS+ ?????
Building: Arts (or could relocate to building w/fiber)
Application: Network Virtual Reality - not on demand
Status: ready
# Hosts: 1
Contact: ?????

Alexandria Project

Data transferred: 10 MB - 300 MB (for library users) 0 - GB's (mirroring, colaborations, data exchange)
Bandwidth: 400 Mb/s ????? (private 50Mb/s ok for teleconferencing)
QOS: no for mirroring and image processing
yes for teleconferencing
yes for actual library usage (searching and downloads)
Protocol/Version: IP, http (most protocols IP based)
CalREN-2 hosts: SDSC, Stanford, UCB, rest of UC
I2 sites: vBNS, ILSC, UA
Unicast/Multicast: both
Multihomed: likely by host and router
Current NW: All switched 10Mb/s, some FDDI
1/1/98 NW: Could upgrade server or multiple systems
Router: Lanplex &150; ATM OC-3 possible
Buildings: Library &150; mirroring, library services
Girvetz - teleconferencing
Engr I - image processing
currently Girvetz is on a FOIRL attachment to the library.
Application: data mirroring, image processing, and teleconferencing
Status: ready
# Hosts: 360 in library, 20 in ADL, order 12 for telecon stuff
Contact: Jason Simpson (simpson@alexandria.ucsb.edu)
James Frew (frew@alexandria.ucsb.edu)
Greg Hajic (hajic@alexandria.ucsb.edu)


Data transferred: 100GB (=200 cds), EOS TB/day
Bandwidth: 80 Mb/s
QOS: no
Protocol/Version: ?????
CalREN-2 hosts: UCLA, JPL?
Other sites: NASA, Goddard, EROS DC
Unicast/Multicast: unicast
Multihomed: yes, by host
Current NW: Switched 10/100 Mb/s and FDDI
1/1/98 NW: ?????
Router: ?????
Building: ?????
Application: Teams of researchers sharing remote sensing data around the world: ftp & teleconferencing
Status: ?????
# Hosts: ?????
Contact: ?????

Free Physics Radio - Institute for Theoretical Physics

Data transferred: 40Kb/s times # streams (initially, but will go higher)
Bandwidth: 40 Mb/s
QOS: required
Protocol: IP(MPOA?)
CalRen2 hosts: UCLA, UCB, UCSD, Stanford, CalTech, LBL
I2 sites: IAS (Princeton), Harvard, UW, Rutgers U, Chicago, MIT
Unicast/Multicast: ?????
Multi-homed: Yes (network level)
current: 10Mb switched
1/1/98: yes
Router: Fore Powerhub 7000 &150; ATM available ?????
Building: Kohn Hall
Application: RealAudio/Video (or similar)
Status: in development
# Hosts: ?????
Contact: ?????

Next-Generation Networked Multimedia (NGNM)

Data transferred: Multi-channel high-resolution sound and real-time VR events
Bandwidth: Between 2 and > 180 Mbps (we eventually hope for our own OC-12 connection)
QOS: Stringent latency and/or latency-jitter requirements at constant or available bit-rate QoS
Protocol/Version: TCP/IP, IIOP, home-brew CORBA-over-ATM protocols for VR
CalREN-2 hosts: UCSD, UCB, Stanford (our NGNM partners)
I2 sites:  
Unicast/Multicast: Mostly unicast
Multihomed: Yes (hosts only)
Current NW: 10Base-T
1/1/98 NW: 100Base-T
Router: Cisco
Building: Music/CREATE Lab
Application: Sound synthesis, mixing, spatialization, and distributed virtual reality
Status: Working today at low speeds (8 students)
# Hosts: ~10
Contact: Stephen T. Pope (stp@create.ucsb.edu)


Data transferred: Small messaging packets, 2-3 packets per message
Bandwidth: 80 Mb/s, the higher the available bandwidth, the finer the grain of the problem that can be resolved
QOS: Lowest latency is critical, no pre-determinable quality of service requirement (i.e., latency more important than packet loss)
Protocol/Version: IP, HTTP
CalREN-2 hosts: Indeterminate
I2 sites:  
Unicast/Multicast: unicast
Multihomed: Yes
Current NW: shared 100base-T LAN with hosts multi-homed on 30 MB/s SCI network
1/1/98 NW: same
Router: Lanplex --> COE Fore PowerHub (bridge) --> CS Fore Powerhub (router) --> shared 100base-T hub
Building: Engineering I
Application: Distributing computing power between CPU servers and CPU clients via a java-based brokering system to solve large problems that would normally be relegated to super-computers.
Status: applications in development
# Hosts: ?????
Contact: ?????


Data transferred: average of 50MB
Bandwidth: 10Mb/s
QOS: Essential
Protocol/Version: IP, DVMRP, IGMP
CalREN-2 hosts: not yet defined
I2 sites:  
Unicast/Multicast: unicast & multicast
Multihomed: no
Current NW: non-existent, lab is being set up
1/1/98 NW: switched 100base-T
Router: Lanplex --> COE Fore PowerHub --> CS Fore PowerHub --> 100base-T switch
Building: Engineering I
Application: develop new and better methods and protocols to distribute multimedia over the network.
Status: ?????
# Hosts: ?????
Contact: ?????

GSE Video-Based Instruction and Research

Data Transferred: ??
Bandwidth: 10Mb/s
QoS: not required but prefered
Protocol/Version: IP, HTTP
Calren-2 Sites: ??
I2 sites: ??
Uni/Multicast: video multicast, some unicast
Multihomed: no
Current NW: 230 nodes of 10 Mb/s ethernet
1/1/98 NW: Switched 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s
Router: Cisco AGS+
Building: Phelps Hall
Application: serving multicast video for instructional purposes, distance learning
Web based video server for Grad. student research
Status: researching technology
# nodes: ~10-20
Contact: Bill Doering (billd@education.ucsb.edu)

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