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C2IG Meeting Minutes December 19, 1997


Attendees: Kevin Barron, Steve Francis, Elise Meyer, Larry Murdock, Jason Simpson, and Mark Schildhauer

Unable to Attend: Nathan Freitas, Ben Humphrey, Jim Frew, Roger Lenard, Stephen Pope, Rich Prohaska, Kevin Schmidt, Vince Sefcik, Rob Bootsma, and Ed Mehlschau

Which vendors can supply FSBs

The group is moving in the direction of an FSB solution, i.e., selecting equipment that has the flexibility to do multiple networking technologies &150; for example, ATM, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet &150; versus equipment that is only able to do ATM.

Kevin Barron reported that Fore doesn't have any plans to implement Gigabit Ethernet on the ASX-1000, although they might on the Powerhub 8000 which can do 1 million pps switching and 300,000 pps routing. Elise noted that Bay Networks doesn't have either OC-12 ATM or Gigabit ethernet on their current offerings. That leaves Cabletron, Cisco, IBM, and Xylan as current contenders.

Regarding Cisco: Commgw can only do 50,000 pps. Their Catalyst family can currently do 255,000 pps via RSM, but in April they will be able to do wire speed after the first packet via Netflow and get up to multi-million pps switching. The IBM offering is strong in routing and switching (which is ATM based), but they don't currently have a frame infrastructure to support Fast Ethernet.

The requirements for an FSB are:

  • The vendor must be shipping the following capabilities by February 1, 1998:
    • OC-12 ATM
    • OC-3 ATM
    • 100BaseFX
    • Routing speeds of 250,000 pps
  • The vendor must have future plans to provide:
    • Gigabit Ethernet
    • Routing speeds of multi-million pps
  • The ATM features that we want are:
    • UNI 4.0 Signalling
    • MPOA

Decide Now or Wait Another Quarter?

The latest word on the start date of the inter-campus network was that CENIC-TPG would begin to put it together on March 1, so bits might not actually be flowing to UCSB until May 1.

Mark pointed out that since many of the vendors were claiming that they would have equipment that would satisfy our requirements by March '98 or June '98, wouldn't it be better to wait to make an equipment decision until they come out with new product. It was noted that all we would need at a minimum to attach to the CalREN-2 network would be an OC-3 connection between the CENIC ATM switch and commgw. The research groups and the rest of campus would be able to access the new offcampus bandwidth of 622Mb/s over the shared 100Mb/s FDDI backbone. We could wait until the network traffic approached or maxed out our current resources before putting in new resources. There was a very heated discussion about the benefit of waiting vs. the benefit of putting in a solution ahead of a problem. The group decided that we did want to continue to aim for implementing a solution to meet the inter-campus network deadline. So we want to come to a decision by February 1.


We didn't discuss new terms for a Caltrans deal, but we did discuss updating Caltrans on the direction we are heading via FSBs.

Action Items for Next Meeting: January 9, 1998

  1. Everyone should analyze the RFI responses of Cabletron, Cisco, IBM and Xylan since they are the only companies that can supply FSB's.
  2. Elise will update Caltrans on our direction.
  3. Elise will rewrite the Fiber request document so that it can be submitted to the CNC via the BEG as a networking funding request.

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