Steve Francis,
Elise Meyer,
Larry Murdock,
Kevin Schmidt, and
Rob Bootsma
Unable to Attend:
Kevin Barron,
Nathan Freitas,
Ben Humphrey,
Jim Frew,
Roger Lenard,
Stephen Pope,
Rich Prohaska,
Vince Sefcik,
Jason Simpson, and
Ed Mehlschau
Caltrans Offer
We discussed that
we needed a clearer definition of what the offer entails, and what
Caltrans expected in return.
Elise will attend the 12/5/97 meeting with Vince and Ramez.
The questions that we have are:
- What equipment is Caltrans offering to pay for? E.g., does Caltrans
have a budget that potentially could pay for all the equipment required for
the one-box or two-box solution, including redundancy features, or is
Caltrans just interested in buying the minimum equipment that they would be
- What are Caltrans bandwidth needs?
- How much bandwidth is needed?
- Where are the destinations for this network traffic?
- Over what duration is this bandwidth to be available?
- UCSB will want to use this equipment as production backbone equipment.
Will that be compatible with Caltrans use of the equipment?
- Who will own this equipment and who will have maintenance and management
responsibility for it?
- Can we only consider equipment from Newbridge, Cisco, and Fore?
- What is the time frame for making a decision?
One question that we had about the process, not necessarily for Caltrans:
- Is Caltrans eligible for the CENIC price discounts with Cisco and Fore?
We understood that the money for this equipment was coming from a different
source then their usual purchases.
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