Present: Larry Murdock, Kevin Schmidt, Stephen Pope, Rich Prohaska, Jason Simpson, and Elise Meyer
RFP Evaluation Criteria Point Assignments
Most of the discussion revolved around how the points were calculated and
combined, rather than on the actual point values. The point was raised
that, since the evaluators' scores were being averaged rather than normalized,
an evaluator scoring vendors higher would have a bigger impact than
the evaluator scoring vendors lower. We discussed the fact that the evaluators
were given the final scores and if they felt there was a problem with how
the scores were combined they could discuss how to rectify the problem.
Those present decided to use the same evaluation criteria weighting as the
first RFP. I said that I would poll the non-present members to see if they
had any disagreement (which I've done via phone calls and a separate
message sent out yesterday).
Fiber Status
- Qwest's connection to campus
Qwest has successfully spliced onto campus fiber near where Los Carneros
crosses the railroad tracks. Some preliminary tests were done, and we were
waiting on an attenuation cable to connect the patch panel in Public Safety
to the Cisco Lightstream 1010. (Note: From Rich's mail message 10/2/98,
there is now additional equipment needed at both the Lightstream and at
Quest's end which will delay the final connection for another couple of
- On campus fiber projects
Rich said that David Chapman would prefer to schedule the Ring 2 Split and
Ring 4 Completion projects to maximize contractor labor. This means that
they would both finish up around the same time i.e., end of November or
early December, instead of one fin ishing before the other. Elise noted
that that sounded okay given the current schedule, but if we only received
a few RFP responses, then we might be done sooner. Digging for these
projects is supposed to commence Monday, October 5th.
- UCNet and CalREN-2 merger
UCOP had planned to move UCNet over to CalREN-2 as soon as it was stable.
There had been talk that this could occur as soon as January 1, 1999. At
the last CENIC-TAC meeting it was announced that UCNet was going to instead
replace the current SMDS lines with T3 lines which would be cost effective,
and the date of merging UCNet and CalREN-2 was put off to some unknown date
in the future.
- CalREN-2 is a research network
The CENIC TAC also discussed that although some campuses were putting
production traffic onto CalREN-2, it was still really just a research
network. They were also concerned with the capabilities of the Cisco GSR's
and they were wondering if they should implement an OC-3 "undernet" for
more reliable transit. There was discussion that this didn't really make
sense to us.
- Campuses using a similar design
Stanford and maybe two other campuses were using a design similar to ours.
Other campuses were dividing the bandwidth up at the Cisco Lightstream.
GSR Status
Here is the current schedule for Cisco having the features that we need in
the GSR:
- Access Lists (ACLs) - November
- Gigabit Ethernet - December
The current plan is to delay the purchase of the GSR as long as possible.
Implementation To Do List
- Infrastructure tasks
- Qwest to Public Safety Lightstream 1010
- Physical: Fiber is spliced, but additional equipment is needed at each end.
- Logical: Once physical is completed, it can begin.
- PS Lightstream 1010 to PS GSR
Status: Rich is staying on top of the GSR's progress with Gigabit Ethernet.
- PS GSR connection over singlemode fiber to North Hall BTP
- SMF fiber has been terminated for this connection. - DONE
- Jumpering to make connection.
- NH equipment site identification & preparation:
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- Identify location.
- Get permission to use location.
- Identify existing rack space or purchase new rack
- Decide UPS minimum runtime requirements.
- Identify existing uninterruptible power source or purchase UPS.
- The NH machine room has adequate security and is accessible to
NOC staff.
- Is any additional cooling needed?
- Fiber required to run from NH BTP to NH equipment location (hand-off panel).
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- Determine what combination of SMF and MMF is adequate for backbone and research group connections.
Need at least:
- SMF connection to PS
- SMF connection to Eng I
- MMF - 4 research group connections
Possibly need:
- SMF to Gigabit Research Groups, only possible HEP and Arts.
- NH equipment - per RFP SX-3161
- NH BTP single mode connection to Eng I BTP in room 1175
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- What tasks need to be identified that are not included in the
Ring 2 split project?
- SMF fiber jumpering in Broida.
- Eng I equipment site identification & preparation:
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- Identify location. - 3152C
- Get permission to use location.
- Identify existing rack space or purchase new rack
- Decide UPS minimum runtime requirements.
- Identify existing uninterruptible power source or purchase UPS.
- The Eng I machine room has adequate security, arrangements need
to be made so that it is accessible to all NOC staff.
- Is any additional cooling needed?
- Fiber required to run from Eng I BTP to Eng I equipment location
(hand-off panel).
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- Determine what combination of SMF and MMF is adequate for backbone and research group connections.
Need at least:
- SMF connection to NH
- MMF - 1 research group connections (assume 3 Eng I research groups already have a fiber presence in 3152C)
- Eng I equipment - per RFP SX-3161
- Research Group Connections to switches:
- Do we need to authorize any funds to get estimates for this work?
- Do we need to fill out fiber request forms to allocate the campus
fiber between the research groups and NH or Eng1?
- Fiber jumpering and testing from the research group BTPs to the
NH or E1 BTP and then on to the equipment location.
- Determine distance and db loss from research group to equipment location in order to know possibility of Gigabit Ethernet. Gigabit Ethernet constraints:
- Cost of backbone switch i/f
- Distance Limitations:
MMF-SX 220-275 meters,
MMF-LX 550 meters
- Identify BTP closest to research group router or switch location.
- Identify any building wiring that needs to be done to get from
router/switch to BTP.
- NH Research Group Connections:
- HEP Broida to NH via Ring 2 split (1 building away)
- Arts to NH via new Ring 4
- Alexandria: Library to NH via Ring X
Alexandria: Girvetz to Library via existing FOIRL attachment
- ICESS: Ellison to NH via Ring 2 (2 buildings away)
- Eng I Research Group Connections:
- Alexandria: Eng I
- ITP: Kohn to Eng1 via ring 2 (1 building away)
- SuperWeb: Eng I
- Multimedia: Eng I
- Public Safety Research Group Connections: (if required)
- Is there adequate terminated MMF between NH & PS for this?
- Music to North Hall via Ring 2 (2 buildings away) to Public Safety
- Other issues that must be addressed before our recommendation can be written:
- Network Budget Issues
- Management software costs - from RFP responses
- Maintenance Costs - from RFP responses
- Operating Budget
- Staffing Costs
- Installation Costs
- Who will operate the CalREN-2 Backbone?
- Installation
- Operation
- Maintenance
- Must determine operating expectations, e.g., 7 by 24 operation implies more staff support
- Policies
- Usage and/or bandwidth
- VLAN implementation and management
- Class of Service
- Identify any requirements for research group connection, e.g.,
if you want to connect via an 802.1Q trunk port, then your
equipment must support it.
- Spontaneous VLAN membership
- New connections
- Identify issues that we can anticipate, but might be better
handled by the BEG.
- Research and/or Production network
Disposition of Lists
It was decided that, once the group had a chance to review the to-do lists,
the fiber infrastructure list would be forwarded to Communication Services for
their comment, and the first thing to be worked on would be to finalize the backbone
switch equipment locations. Paul Valenzuela had been identified as the best
person to pursue the North Hall location, and Kevin Schmidt was going
to pursue the Engineering I location.
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