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Intra-Building Wiring Projects Updates


Phase II Projects

Geography Projects

Departmental Contact: Mark Probert

There are three projects on the books for Geography. See below for details.

Ellison Third Floor: Workstation Wiring

6/02 Design lateral conduit routes for distribution of workstation wiring.
7/02 Job walk with FM and contractors bidding on the conduit work. Issue approval for project.
8/21-8/30/02 Lateral conduit installation is completed.
9/18-9/23/02 Workstation wiring of third floor completed by Comm Servs Plant Op group and J-Comm.
10/7/02 Discuss project issues.
10/15/02 Met with Mark P. and Plant Op staff to discuss projects.
12/02 Cutover phone lines, clean up and remove old 10A2 system and consolidate punch blocks, etc.
2/03 Met with Mark P. and Kevin to discuss fiber issues.
12/04 Prepare post-mortem notes.
12/05 Project complete!

Ellison First Floor: Workstation Wiring

6/02 Design lateral conduit routes for distribution of workstation wiring.
7/02 Job walk with FM and contractors bidding on the conduit work.
8/02 FM estimate approved.
10/02 Asbestos abatement needed on all walls to install Panduit and attach boxes.
10/15/02 Met with Eric Ruse to discuss asbestos wall panels "Transite."
11/02 Conduit work to take place.
2/03 Project on hold due to pending FM Reno project.
4/04 Implementing revised project for workstation drops. Reviewed project with Eric Ruse of EH&S. Met with Mark Probert to discuss. Mark has changes to the plan.
5/04 Meet with Mark & Eric Ruse to discuss changes.
6/04 Set up start date to perform work.
7/04 Work in progress.
8/04 Project completed. Prepare post-mortem notes.
8/06 Sent draft of post-mortem notes for comments.
9/06 Project complete!

Ellison South Risers

11/03 Review project with Plant Op and schedule work.
7/04 Preparing riser diagrams and documents in preparation for job walk with FM and contractors.
8/04 Job walk with contractor.
9/04 Met with structural engineer and FM to discuss coring locations.
10/04 Coring and conduit work completed.
12/04 Cat 5e riser cables and fiber work to take place in December or January.
1/05 Cat 5e riser cables all floors and fiber to the fifth floor terminated and tested. Review project with FM and contractor.
2/05 Reviewed contractor work with FM PM. Two punchlist items to be completed by contractor.
4/05 Punchlist items completed.
10/05 Prepare post-mortem notes.
8/06 Sent out draft of post-mortem notes for comments.
9/06 Project complete!

Phelps Room 3510: Workstation Wiring

6/02 Assisted occupants with drop locations.
11/12/02 Plant Op to install drops.
11/25/02-1/10/03 Workstation wiring installation and data cutover completed.
2/03 Discuss fiber issues with Mark P. and Kevin S.
3/03 Installation of 6SM/6MM fiber from 3510 to 1507 Phelps completed.
4/03 Fiber termination and testing completed.
7/03 Project complete.
6/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants.
7/04 Project complete.

College of Creative Studies

Departmental Contact: Karen Poirier

The CCS project is to provide workstation wiring (38 drops) in several classrooms.

Completion date: April 2003.

6/02 Cable tray layout and design completed.
7/02 Job walk with FM and contractor for cable tray installation estimate.
8/19/02 Estimate approved.
9/16-9/24/02 Cable tray installation: 1 90-degree and 1 Tee parts on order.
10/02 Missing cable tray parts arrived. To be installed.
10/25/02 Remaining cable tray parts installed.
12/02 Workstation wiring installation: Arrange with Karen P, discuss with Bill Duncan.
2/03 Begin backboard re-design work. Float existing communications off wall, install new fire-rated backboard, coordinate work with IS&C network folks and CCS.
3/03 Install Panduit raceway and Cat5e cabling to requested locations.
4/03 Workstation wiring installation completed.
6/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants.
7/04 Project complete.

Aquatic Biology, Bldg 408

Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

A request to have Bldg 569 (funded) project replaced with Bldg 408 (unfunded) project was submitted and approved. Bldg 569 is now on the unfunded list.

This project is to provide communications wiring (54 total drops) for Bldg 408.

Start date: In progress.

12/04 Walk the building with Larry Murdock. Work on project plans.
1/05 Job walk with FM and contractor. Awaiting estimate.
2/05 Re-walk job with two contractors. Contractor bids received and reviewed. FM budget received and approved. Now in contract phase.
3/05 Contractor turned in completed contract paperwork.
4/05 Pre-construction meeting.
5/05 Contractor begins project; installation of conduits, j-hooks, and non-metallic raceway in progress.
6/05 Installation of infrastructure to support workstation wiring is 85% complete.
7/05 Workstation wiring placement, termination, and testing completed by contractor
9/05 Received test results from contractor. Received quote for adding Cat 3 cross connect cable.
10/05 Approved change order for cross connect cable and for telephone cutover work.
12/05 Cross connect cable placed, terminated, and tested. Phone cutover work completed.
1/06 Review ways to route fiber cable or jumpers into REBox.
2/06 Reviewed fiber jumper route options with Larry. He will be moving innerduct and will create path for fiber jumpers. Prepare post-mortem notes.

FM Trailers and Transportation Services

Departmental Contact: Tom Howard

This project involves several buildings that house Physical Facilities staff and Transportation Services. Our mission is to provide external connectivity between these buildings.

Completion date: July 2004.

6/8/02 Work with Pete Peter to determine existing underground duct route capacity for fiber and innerduct installation. Working with Tom Howard to determine best way to proceed as 2-3 trailers are scheduled for some level of renovation in the coming months.
8/22/02 Tom Howard is proceeding with the expansion of an existing comm closet outside of Bldg 437, which will house one segment of the new fiber.
10/2002 Tom had outdoor comm closet expanded.
11/6/02 6mm/6sm underground-rated fiber arrived.
2/03 Review all fiber projects with Tom Howard. Reno work in 3 trailers has not begun. Discuss getting fiber into 437 and 370 soon. Pete to arrange work.
3/03 6SM/6MM fiber installed, terminated and tested in 4 locations. Three remaining locations to be completed after Reno work is done.
11/03 Estimate to place, terminate, and test fiber received, reviewed, and approved.
12/03 Arrange start date for fiber pull.
1/04 Fiber pulled in, terminated, and tested.
7/04 Project complete. Prepare post-mortem notes.
8/05 Sent draft post-mortem notes to Pete and Tom. Received feedback. Updated post-mortem notes.
10/05 Sent final post-mortem notes to Pete, David, Tom H., and Elise.
11/05 Complete!

Embarcadero Hall

External Connectivity from San Rafael to IV Theater

This project is to install four 4" ducts from San Rafael manhole to pullbox, and from pullbox to IV Theater install two 4" ducts.

Completion date: November 2002.

6/12/02 Job walk with FM and contractors to bid underground "boring" work from San Rafael manhole to IV Theater.
6/21/02 FM estimate approved. Minor Cap routed to B&P for necessary approvals.
6/27/02 Minor Cap form approved by the Chancellor.
8/21/02 Pre-Con meeting to resolve street and parking issues, duct routes, etc.
8/22-8/30/02 Placement of 4" ducts and pullbox occur. Change orders to add 2-4" ducts from IVT pullbox, down about 3' and south, along wall about 10'. Also, change order to slurry and possibly labor/truck charge to transport concrete pullbox to site.
10/3/02 Installation of underground ductwork completed.
11/02 Fiber installation completed.
8/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants for review and comments.
10/04 Final post-mortem notes emailed to participants. Project complete.

Wireless from IV Theater to Embarcadero Hall

This project is to provide external connectivity to the campus backbone. To meet this commitment, we installed wireless technology from IV Theater to Embarcadero Hall.

Completion date: April 2003.

8/22/02 Quote received for Tsunami 10Mb wireless gear.
10/16/02 Tsunami gear ordered.
11/1/02 Tsunami gear arrived.
11/18/02 Milestek cabinet installed.
11/02-12/02 Install Symbol wireless gear (KPS and AC). Wireless gear up and working.
11/02-2/03 Work on punch list issues and return items from 4 PO's.
4/03 All items returned. Punchlist items completed. Project complete.
8/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants for review and comments.
10/04 Final post-mortem notes emailed to participants. Project complete.

Psychology Grad Facility, Bldg 429

External Connection

Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

This project is to provide external connectivity to Building 429.

Completion date: March 2003.

7/19/02 Job walk with FM and contractors for installation of 3" duct from building 551 to building 429.
7/31/02 FM estimate approved.
8/27/02 Pre-construction meeting.
9/11/02 Contractor begins boring from 429 to 551.
10/3/02 Core from first to second floor of Bldg 429.
10/5/02 Pete secured estimate from D&B to install fiber and innerduct in the new route.
10/8/02 Contractor to install conduit sleeve between first and second floor.
10/15/02 Request 2 20-amp circuits.
11/05/02 Job walk with contractor and FM for power to backboard.
11/20/02 Install backboard in rooms 105 and 205.
11/19/02 Fiber and innerduct installation begins from building 551 to building 429.
12/02 Fiber termination and testing.
1/03 Research fiber problems.
2/03 Fiber tested by Comm Servs indicates 1 MM fiber and 1 SM fiber have high readings.
3/03 Fiber re-terminated and tested. Project complete.
4/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants.
6/04 Project complete!

Workstation Wiring in Bldg 429

This project is to install 43 drops for a complete workstation wiring system in Bldg 429.

Completion date: November 2003.

8/23/02 Departmental contact is determining location for drops.
9/30/02 Drawing received with drop locations.
10/15/02 10 Additional drops added by Larry and Jacek. Approved by Elise.
2/03 Updated riser diagrams, comm closet layout designs, and project specifications.
6/03 Work on J-hook and conduit sleeve location within hallways.
7/03 Set up FM job walk for J-hooks and conduit sleeves.
8/03 Installation of J-hooks and conduit sleeves completed.
9/03 Workstation wiring and sub-terminal work in progress.
10/03 Workstation wiring project completed. Phone cutover to be done.
11/03 Phone cutover completed. Punchlist completed.
4/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants.
6/04 Project complete!

Arts Risers

Departmental Contact: David Bosso

This project is to create 6 new comm closets along with conduit routes connecting them back to the main terminals. Riser and lateral cables to be installed, terminated, and tested.

Completion date: August 2004.

3/8/02 Work with David Bosso, Alan Moses, and Communications Services Engineering section to select space for 5-6 communications closets. The building is in need of communications closets for the distribution of future workstation wiring. The Arts Building is slated for a seismic upgrade, so we worked with Budget & Planning (who consulted with Studios Architecture firm) and College of Letters & Science space folks to resolve room and wall locations for upcoming riser work.
9/11/02 Design conduit riser and lateral routes and re-consult with Budget & Planning and architects to ensure the routes do not interfere with seismic upgrade.
9/30/02 Created new riser diagram for Arts Bldg. Passed to Pete and Mike for review. Pete and Mike create conduit routes in 3D CAD.
10/25/02 Arts riser diagram updated by Mike. Pete beginning to layout conduit routes.
11/05/02 Some immediate data connectivity is needed by occupants. Spoke with Jon Cecil regarding department network needs. Many of these needs were resolved by LSIT.
1/03 Complete proposed conduit routes in 3D CAD drawings (done by Pete Peter and Mike Mitchum). Julie C. sent drawings to Studio Architecture for review. Keep conduit close to perimeter walls and confirmed wall to be used for communications wiring.
2/03 Meet with Moe, Pete, and Jeff Haight, structural engineer, to review proposed conduit routes.
3/03 Routes approved with modifications (and one comm. closet relocation). Job walk with FM and contractors for project bid.
4/03 Bids reviewed, FM wrote up contract. Contractor is in process of meeting contract requirements.
5/03 Conduit installation and backboard layout and design work to begin.
6/03 90% of conduit installation completed. Comm closet work to begin, such as backboard installation, rack placement, ladder rack and cable management.
7/03 Comm closet setup 90% completed. Riser cabling placed. Copper riser cables terminated and tested.
8/03 Fiber termination and testing completed. Punchlist created and being worked on.
12/03 Delay in completion due to necessity of building "cages" around comm closet area. Punchlist work in progress.
1/04 FM finished building cages around comm closet areas. Lockshop keyed all comm areas and provided keys to LSIT.
4/04 Arrange to have riser conduits fire stopped and EH&S to perform fire stop review.
7/04 Received estimates for 2-3" conduit sleeves (omitted from main project in error) and for firestopping all new conduits placed on this project. Estimates approved and contract paperwork going through FM.
8/04 2-3" conduit sleeves and firestopping work completed. Prepare post-mortem notes.
3/05 Held post-mortem meeting on March 21.
4/05 Emailed updated post-mortem notes to attendees.
5/05 Project complete!

Harder Stadium

Connect to Campus Backbone

This project is to provide a connection to the campus backbone.

Completion date: January 2004.

8/22/02 Manhole placement just south of Harder Stadium completed. No ducts were installed.
3/03 New conduit routes to East Infill area of Harder is in progress.
6/03 Job walk with FM and contractors for conduit installation completed. Approval sent to FM for processing.
7/03 Conduit placement completed.
10/03 Backbone cable placement and termination to be completed in November/December 2003.
11/03 Backbone cable placement work in progress.
12/03 Backbone cables placed, terminated, and tested.
1/04 External connection completed.
3/05 Held post-mortem meeting on March 21.
4/05 Emailed updated post-mortem notes to attendees.
5/05 Project complete!

Workstation Wiring

This project is to install workstation wiring in several offices under Harder Stadium.

Completion date: January 2004.

6/03 Job walk with FM and contractors for cable tray installation completed. Approval sent to FM for processing.
7/03 Cable tray and conduit work complete. Backboard placed.
8/03 Backbone phone cable pulled back to rm 1100A and re-terminated. New 20-amp circuit installed.
9/03 Workstation wiring and Panduit raceway installation in progress. Creating another new sub-terminal location due to distance issues. Harder east infill will have two new comm closet locations when complete.
10/03 Cabinets to be built around new sub-terminals and two other punchlist items to be completed.
11/03 Enclosures around comm closets 80% complete. Phone cutover and port mapping to be done.
12/03 Phone cutover completed.
1/04 Port mapping, attachment of ground wire and small light for 1101 to be done.
10/04 Port mapping to be done. Prepare post-mortem notes.
3/05 Held post-mortem meeting on March 21.
4/05 Emailed updated post-mortem notes to attendees.
5/05 Project complete!

Old Marine Lab, Bldg 465

Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

This project is to provide an external connection from Bldg 200 to Bldg 465 and install 12 drops in Bldg 465.

Completion date: April 2003.

6/18/02 Met with Dennis Meaney, Larry Murdock, and Larry Peterson to discuss project.
6/28/02 Provided Larry M. with drawing to mark up drop locations. Two additional drops needed. Discussed need for PVC drops.
11/01/02 Revisit project with Larry.
11/05/02 Job walk with FM and contractor for PVC work. REBox arrived.
2/03 REBox installed and PVC work completed.
3/03 Installation of workstation wiring, REBox layout, fiber pull from building 200 completed.
4/03 Fiber termination and testing completed. Project complete.
4/04 Post-mortem notes emailed to participants.
6/04 Project complete!

Music Building

Departmental Contact: David Bosso

This project is to create a communications distribution system within the Music Building. This includes clearing and installing new conduit routes into new and existing sub-terminal locations; designing and building out sub-terminal rooms; pulling in distribution cables, such as fiber, phone, data and coax, to each sub-terminal; and termination and testing. Project also includes rewiring 1300 and 2300 wings.

Start date: In progress.

1/03 Sent original Music Bldg requests to David Bosso for review.
6/03 Reviewed existing conduit infrastructure and comm closet locations with LSIT folks and Comm Servs techs. Creating riser diagram for Music Bldg.
8/03 Dug up "as-builts" of Music Bldg dating back to 1954 and 1966. Created riser diagram of existing conduit routes from scratch. A little more documentation work needed to complete.
9/03 Updated floorplans with the proposed cable tray and conduit work originally scoped out by Comm Servs. Sent LSIT new riser diagram and floorplans for review. Will set up job walk with Pete Peter and Floyd Bickmore to review conduit routes proposed by Comm Servs and to identify any other needed conduit routes.
10/03 Reviewed updated CAD files of existing conduits and proposed conduit routes and sub-terminal locations with David Chapman, Pete Peter, and Floyd Bickmore. Need to review proposed sub-terminal locations with occupants. Once locations are locked in, design conduit routes and meet with a structural engineer for review.
11/03 Sent LSIT list of proposed comm closet locations for their review with occupants. Once occupants agree to comm locations, begin designing conduit routes with Pete Peter.
1/04 Met with Music MSO and LSIT folks to review proposed comm closet locations. Awaiting response.
3/04 Music has signed off on the proposed sub-terminal locations. Working on lateral and riser conduit routes with Pete Peter.
4/04 Ray Milholland assisting with identifying new conduit routes and existing routes that need to be cleared out.
6/04 FM job walk with contractors to clear out 3" conduit routes.
7/04 Estimates received, reviewed, and approved. Awaiting contract paperwork to be completed so work may begin to clear existing conduit routes.
8/04 Conduit clearing work to begin the week of 8/16/04.
9/04 Cleared many 3" conduits as well as existing 2" conduits to be used for riser distribution cables.
10/04 Conduit clearing work completed as well as other site prep work. CAD drawings in progress.
11/04 Complete CAD drawings. Turn over drawings to FM. Hire engineer to review and certify plans. Contractor prequalification documents almost complete.
12/04 Engineer working on CAD drawings provided by OIT. Pre-qualification notification in final review.
1/05 Engineer provided 50% construction documents for review. Pre-qualification notification has been posted. Closes 1/31/05.
2/05 100% construction docs received from Engineer. FM contracts office reviewing bid package. Two contractors pre-qualified to bid on project. Job walk to follow.
3/05 FM contracts office returned bid package to engineer for corrections.
4/05 FM contracts office released bid docs on 4/15. Job walk to be scheduled.
5/05 Bids received, reviewed, and approved. FM sent contract to low bidder for completion.
6/05 Await for notice to proceed from FM.
7/05 FM issued notice to proceed to contractor. Materials being ordered. Conduit installation to begin.
8/05 Conduit installation in full swing in 1300 wing. Retrofitting of existing in-wall terminals in progress.
9/05 Conduit installation in progress in 2300 wing and in many areas of Music.
10/05 Distribution cabling being placed from main terminal room. Workstation wiring has been placed in 1300 wing and is being placed in 2300 wing. Building out communications closets in progress.
11/05 Copper risers being terminated and tested.
12/05 Copper testing completed. Test resulted downloaded. Fiber termination and testing to begin. Work in basement approved and set to begin December 5.
1/06 Cable tray and conduit work completed in basement. Begin to pull in workstation wiring.
2/06 Contractor has completed work managed by FM. OIT to complete remaining items, such as securing new communications areas.
3/06 Secured new comm areas.
4/06 Create port maps and post diagrams in comm closets.

Woodhouse Lab

Departmental Contact: David Robbins

There are two projects within the Woodhouse Lab: place new riser and lateral cables, and rewire the second floor.

Riser Work

Completion date: July 2003.

This project is to create new comm closet areas for improved network distribution, and to install communications risers as well.

3/02 Job walk with Comm Servs and Dave Robbins to review space needs for comm.
6/02 Design riser and lateral conduit routes for distribution of workstation wiring.
7/02 Backboard space is approved by the occupants and space is cleared of obstructions.
9/02 Set up job walk with FM and contractors bidding on the conduit work.
10/02 Riser conduit work approved.
11/18/02 Riser conduit and installation begins.
12/02 Riser conduits installed and completed.
5/03 Backboard installation, layout designs work to begin. Also, riser cables to be installed, terminated and tested.
6/03 Riser cabling pulled to new comm closet locations, terminated and tested.
7/03 Project complete.
7/05 Waiting for cost proposal to secure and protect sub-terminal areas, since they are in shared environments with occupants.
11/05 Received cost proposal from FM. Waiting for information from Woodhouse folks.
2/06 Received and approved cost proposal from Geological Sciences.
3/06 Comm Servs re-configured comm areas so cabinets can be built.
4/06 Geology staff, Joe C., and Tim ordered material to build cabinets.
8/06 Joe and Tim working on completing the four cabinets.
10/06 Project complete!

Workstation Wiring and Cable Tray on Second Floor

Completion date: April 2004.

This project is to install a cable tray and workstation drops on the second floor of the Woodhouse Lab.

9/02 Design cable tray route. Need to work out workstation wiring distribution material (conduit, raceway, etc.).
9/02 Perform job walk with FM and contractors for cable tray installation.
10/02 Cable tray work approved.
12/02 Cable tray installation completed.
4/03 Finalize workstation wiring drop locations with Dave Robbins and occupants.
8/03 Job walk with FM and contractor for conduit installation work.
9/03 Awaiting FM estimate for conduit work. Once reviewed and approved, and contracts signed, then begin conduit installation.
10/03 Conduit work to begin on November 3.
11/03 Conduit placement work completed. Estimate for workstation wiring phase received, reviewed, and approved.
12/03 Arrange start date for workstation wiring.
12/03 Workstation wiring on second floor has been placed, terminated, and tested. Create punchlist.
3/04 Punchlist items being worked on. Fiber termination to be performed by Comm Servs.
7/04 Firestop conduits to be done.
4/06 Post mortem notes to be written with Riser portion of project, after cabinets built and secured.

Marine Biotechnology Lab, Bldg 555

Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

This project is to install a complete communications workstation wiring system throughout the building.

Completion date: September 2004.

5/03 Update floorplans with needed infrastructure work, such as cable tray and PVC sleeves. Create scope of work for this work. Review comm closets with Larry M. and Comm Servs techs.
6/03 FM job walk with contractor for cable tray and PVC sleeve work.
7/03 Estimate received and Minor Cap paperwork to be prepared and processed.
8/03 Minor Cap approved. Contract paperwork sent to contractor.
9/03 Cable tray and PVC conduit installation in progress.
10/03 Sub-terminal work in progress. Cable tray and PVC work 95% complete.
12/03 Begin workstation wiring phase. Sub-terminal work still in progress.
1/04 Workstation wiring is in progress on the first floor. PVC work is 98% complete. Sub-terminal and cable riser work to begin.
2/04 Workstation wiring pulled on the first and third floors. Cable pull in progress on the second floor. RJ45 jacks being punched down on the first floor. Comm closet work in progress.
4/04 Punching down Cat5e cables onto RJ45 jacks in offices and labs on the second floor. Complete sub-terminal layout work on second and third floors. Termination and testing of Cat5e cables to follow.
5/04 Complete workstation wiring termination at patch panels and test on third floor. Develop punchlist.
6/04 Punchlist 95% complete. Fiber termination in progress.
7/04 Telephone cutover work in progress.
8/04 Removal of old cabling, swing gates, and patch panels. Terminate fiber on second floor.
9/04 Cable removal and fiber termination and testing completed.
10/04 Complete other remaining punchlist items, such as patch and paint, in some areas, and re-key comm closets. Cable routing in 1129 for fiber jumpers completed.
1/05 Will meet with FM and painters for quote to patch and paint in six to ten locations.
2/05 Patch and paint in progress.
3/05 Patch and paint work completed by FM.
4/05 Prepare post-mortem notes.
7/05 Met with FM for quote to secure comm area in shared environment.
10/05 Received quote to build cabinet around communications closet in shared environment.
11/05 Cabinet built around communications area in room 1011.
2/06 Prepare post-mortem notes.

Engineering II

Departmental Contact: Tom Marazita

This project is to install complete workstation wiring within the building, although the current budget may not support rewiring the entire building.

Start date: In progress.

7/02 Located "as built" drawings that show where Wiremold raceway, used for communications distribution, is located throughout the building. Looks like additional raceway will need to be installed for upcoming wiring project based on information gathered.
9/13/02 Drawings provided to Tom M. for drop location mark-up.
10/31/02 Met with Tom and Luc to discuss project.
1/03 Met with Tom, who provided proposed drop locations.
2/03 Updated floor plans with drop locations.
3/03 Discussing options for infrastructure: old cable tray vs. new cable tray installation.
5/03 Met with Simon and reviewed lab space for needed conduit and raceway work.
6/03 Updated infrastructure needs and creating scope of work document in preparation for job walk with FM and contractors.
7/03 Job walk with FM and 3 contractors for bids to install infrastructure.
8/03 Bids returned, reviewed and Minor Cap process and paperwork to begin.
9/03 Job walk for cable removal from existing cable tray. Minor Cap is in process for approval by the Chancellor.
10/03 Abandoned cables removed from the cable tray within lab areas on second floor.
11/03 Abandoned cables removed from the cable tray in the office wing on second floor.
12/03 Conduit work will begin on the second floor.
1/04 Conduit work is 90% complete. Conduit "sleeve" work for office wing begins 1/8/04.
2/04 Original conduit work completed. Added 18 more drop locations; to be installed. Comm closet work is in progress.
3/04 Working on proposed drop locations and infrastructure needs for Engr II first floor.
4/04 Working on the Scope of Work document and other issues related to Engr II second-floor workstation wiring phase.
5/04 Continue to work on Scope of Work doc and other issues related to second floor. Work on infrastructure needs for first floor. Develop Scope of Work document for first floor infrastructure.
6/04 Site prep work to clear cable trays on first and third floors. Sub-terminal layout design work.
7/04 Created scope of work doc to clear cable trays on first and third floors and perform site prep work in sub-terminal rooms. Created drawings of existing comm closet layouts, and drawings of proposed comm closet layouts. Job walk with FM and contractors done. Bids to be submitted on later this month.
9/04 Held sealed bid job walk with contractors.
10/04 Worked out cable removal method with contractor. FM paperwork in progress. Comm Servs performing telephone line consolidation work ahead of cable removal work.
11/04 Comm Servs completes site prep work in comm closets.
12/04 Contractor begins removing abandoned cables from third-floor cable tray. Hepa-vac cable tray.
1/05 Removal of abandoned cables and other site prep work completed by contractor.
2/05 Finalize drop locations with COE network contacts. Sent floorplans to FM for review by engineer.
6/05 Meet with FM PM and JMPE to set schedule for certification of drawings.
7/05 JMPE reviewing and certifying drawings and docs. FM pre-qualifying contractors for this project.
9/05 Prequalification packets received and reviewed by FM and OIT.
10/05 FM Contracts Office sent out announcement regarding prequalified contractors for this project. Waiting for JMPE to provide drawings for final review.
12/05 JMPE provided certified drawings and docs. We have pre-qualified contractors. Next step is currently under discussion.
2/06 The College of Engineering requested a reprioritization of IBW projects. As a consequence, Engineering I will be completed prior to Engineering II.
8/06 Sent out draft post-mortem notes for comments.

EMF, Bldg 539

Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

This project is to provide an external connection from Noble Hall, and to rewire Bldg 539.

Start date: In progress.

11/04 Begin working with Larry Murdock on plans.
12/04 Develop project plan.
1/05 Job walk with FM and contractor completed. Awaiting estimate.
2/05 Re-walk job with two contractors. Contractor bids received and reviewed. FM budget received and approved. Now in contract phase.
3/05 Notice to proceed issued to contractor. Larry notified occupants of impending work in their area.
4/05 Work in progress.
5/05 Work is 90% complete.
7/05 Workstation wiring placement, termination, and testing completed. Complete external connection.
9/05 Received test results from contractor.
12/05 Received estimate from Comm Servs to perform telephone cutover work. Need to create a complete path from relay rack to fiber panels on wall in 1266 Noble.
2/06 Phone cutover work in 539 and fiber jumper path in 1266 Noble completed by Comm Servs.
4/06 Prepare post-mortem notes.


Departmental Contact: Larry Murdock

The original scope of the project was to install three workstation drops in Greenhouse. A request to change the project scope was submitted, and approved, to provide an external connection into the Greenhouse instead. Upon completion of this project, the network folks will be able to utilize the new wiring and eliminate their use of thinnet wiring in the building.

Start date: In progress.

11/04 Begin working with Larry Murdock on plans.
5/05 Scope of work modified to provide external connection to eliminate use of thinnet.
6/05 Received and approved quote to place fiber and copper into Bldg 540.
7/05 Fiber and copper cables placed.
9/05 Fiber and copper terminated and tested.
11/05 Prepare post-mortem notes.

IV Foot Patrol

Departmental Contact: TBA

This project is to provide an external connection.

Start date: To be determined.


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