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Original OIT Mission and Services |
Mission Statement
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) plans, develops and maintains the campus-wide information technology (IT) infrastructure, provides leadership in IT matters, communicates policies and directions with the campus community and coordinates those campus-wide IT services for which it does not have direct responsibility. The OIT's responsibilities include the provision of reliable voice, video, campus backbone and wide-area data networking services to the campus community. The OIT also acts as a technical liaison to all areas of the university and provides external representation for the campus in IT matters.
Planning and Coordination Services
- The OIT works with other IT service providers to insure that all essential services have a well-identified provider and that there is minimal duplication of effort. When new services are being planned or existing services are revised or withdrawn, the OIT works with the providers to understand their impact on the campus infrastructure and to insure that they inter-operate with other campus services. The OIT also reviews the IT plans of colleges and service providers to insure that they are coordinated and fit within campus priorities, and reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor on its findings. [C]
- The OIT brings major IT issues before the Information Technology Board (ITB), including policy proposals, new initiatives, and strategic plans. The OIT advises the senior officers on IT issues, and serves as a resource to Academic Senate committees with responsibilities in this area. When necessary, the OIT organizes committees of technical staff members to address important campus-wide IT issues. Its technical staff plays a major role in the work of these committees, and the OIT provides staff support for them. [C]
- The OIT serves as the coordination point for campus IT policies. It organizes the campus's review and comments on University of California, Office of the President (UCOP) IT policies, and produces implementation guidelines when necessary. [C]
- The OIT works with departments to develop plans to attract and retain campus IT staff. [C]
OIT staff participates in the planning of all new buildings and building renovations to insure that IT requirements are considered at the inception of these projects. [C&R]
- The OIT represents UCSB system-wide and to the external community on IT issues within the scope of its mission, and provides a person to co-chair the ITPG. [C]
Operational Services
Voice Services
- Business telephone service [R]
- Residential telephone service [R]
- Voice Mail system [R]
- CallController system [R]
- Business Account Codes (used to assign toll call charges to specific grants) [R]
- Business and Residential Calling Cards [B w/ telephone line]
- Intercampus Voice Emergency Network (IVEN) [B w/ business telephone line]
- Coin telephones [R]
- Emergency telephones [B w/ telephone line & R]
- Channel banks and T-1/DS-3 multiplexers to connect HRC and ERC buildings to main campus telephone system [B w/ telephone line]
- Direct termination of incoming AT&T and MCI telephone calls (bypasses GTE switches) [B w/ telephone line]
Data Services & Network Operation Center (NOC)
- Consult with departments and committees on IT-related matters [C&B]
- Research and experiment on technologies and services related to OIT mission [C&B]
- Provide leadership in dealing with security issues [C]
- Administer UCSB-based Internet domain and Internetworking Protocol (IP) address spaces [R]
- Manage, monitor, troubleshoot, and report on campus backbone data networks [C,R,B w/ bus.line]
- Operate campus network management systems [C, B w/ RUAC & B w/ business telephone line]
- CalREN-2 external connection [C]
- UCNet external connection [C, B w/ business telephone line]
- Frame Relay connection to local ISPs [B w/ business telephone line]
- Data links to non-contiguous campus locations [R]
- ISDN Gateway (until 6/30/00) [B w/ business telephone line]
- QuickConnect (data over voice) terminations (until 6/30/00) [B w business telephone line]
- Public modem pools [B w/ business telephone line]
- Support for Housing & Residential Services’ ResNet, including design consultation, router configuration, router management, and problem isolation assistance [R]
- Cable Modem service to Storke and West Campus apartments (Spring/Summer, 2000) [B w/ residential telephone line]
- Token Ring network [R]
- Limited departmental router administration (Cheadle Hall, Academic Senate, Housing, Police, Quest, and OPL) [R]
- Operation and maintenance of the campus web server (exclusive of content) [B w/ RUAC charges]
- Usenet services [B w/ RUAC charges]
- UCSB.EDU mail gateway [B w/ RUAC charges]
- Campus ftp server [B w/ RUAC charges]
- Limited proxy services [B w/ RUAC charges]
Video Services
- Business cable television [R]
- Residential cable television [R]
- Video teleconferencing system [R & B w/ business telephone line]
Wireless Services
- 800 MHz two-way radio system [R&B w/ residential telephone line]
- Review all proposed antenna installations for compliance with campus policy [B w/ business telephone line]
- FCC license preparation and enforcement [B w/ business telephone line]
Infrastructure Support
- Design, installation, and maintenance of underground conduit system and copper cable plants (for telephone and cable television distribution) [B w/ telephone line]
- Design, installation, allocation, and maintenance of fiber optic cable plant [C&B w/ business telephone line]
- Design, installation, and testing of intrabuilding telephone, data communications and cable television wiring systems [R]
- Remote Monitoring System (monitors power and environmental conditions in several locations around campus and off campus) [B w/ business telephone line]
- Emergency generator (powers all switch room equipment and offices in three buildings) [B w/ telephone line]
- Underground cable plant pressurization and monitoring [B w/ telephone line]
- Project management services for new building construction, renovations, and department relocations [R]
- Development and maintenance of a large collection (over 3,000) of CAD drawings used to document future and past work [R]
- Construction standards development and reviews of construction project specifications (e.g., architect drawings) to determine compliance with standards [B w/ business telephone line]
Administrative & Ancillary Services
- Campus Operator services [B w/ telephone line]
- Maintenance of the Campus Directory database and web-based search system [B w/ business telephone line]
- Generation of Automatic Location Identification (ALI) database for 9-911 Public Safety Answering Point system [B w/ business telephone line]
- Publication of the printed Campus Directory [R]
- Recharge billing and distribution of monthly recharge statements [B w/ telephone line]
- Delivery of monthly billing statements via the web [B w/ telephone line]
- Development and review of RFIs, RFQs and RFPs [C & B w/ business telephone line]
- Negotiation of contracts with off-campus vendors [B w/ telephone line]
- Member of the Emergency Management Task Force, with responsibilities for campus-wide disaster planning [B w/ telephone line]
- Financial administration of a multi-million dollar UCSB/Caltrans interagency agreement that funds multiple campus research projects [R & B w/ business telephone line]
Services Provided by Other Campus Organizations
- Site licensing and bulk purchasing agreements
- Administration and maintenance of Housing & Residential Services’ ResNet other than support of the router that connects ResNet to other networks and installation of infrastructure (e.g., conduits, cable, hubs, and switches)
- Communications infrastructure (e.g., cable, conduit, termination equipment) for fire alarm system and energy management system
- Coordination of content presented via campus web server
Note on funding terminology: C = core funds budgeted to the OIT, R = recharge revenues obtained from selling services,
B = bundled services that are free to the user, although their costs are imbedded in one of the recharge rates.